Health Benefits and Uses of Muskmelon (Cantaloupe)

Health Benefits and Uses of Muskmelon (Cantaloupe)

Cantaloupe, also known as muskmelon, rock melon, sweet melon, Persian melon etc is a type of melon belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family which also includes fruits and vegetables like squash, pumpkin, cucumber, gourd etc. This fruit is light yellow to orange in color, sometimes with a deeper salmon hue and like other melons it also grows on the ground surface as a trailing vine.

Cantaloupes have a round or oblong shape, a soft consistency and juicy texture with a sweet musky aroma which is best found in completely ripe fruits. The hollow cavity in the center contains small off-white colored seeds. Cantaloupes are basically summer fruits and are best in the months of April to August.

Wonder benefits of cantaloupe

Muskmelon for weight loss: Cantaloupe can be used for weight loss purposes. It is consisted of 95% of water and also full of fiber. Eating muskmelon gives the tendency of full stomach and also discourages the desire of more eating. On the other hand, the fruit is associated with no fat, no cholesterol, less calories and sugar. If you desire of weight loss, it is better to start with this summer fruit.

Muskmelon for healthy skin: Cantaloupe is good for skin beauty and skin problems. Besides, adequate watery content, it is also known for anti-oxidants, vitamin A & C, all these facilitate glowing skin.

Muskmelon for hair: Cantaloupe makes your entire body hydrated.  Along with iron and other nutrients, the fruit is good for healthy hair.

Treats kidney stone: The fruit helps to release toxins from the kidney as well as the body because of the presence of abundant water. It also contains oxykine, a bio-chemical substance that prevents kidney stone and other kidney disorders.

Good during pregnancy: Cantaloupe has suitable amount of folic acid, which prevents water retention by excreting excess amount of sodium. It also prevents birth defects and assures healthy baby development.

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Muskmelon for healthy heart: It is having potassium that is good for cardiac problems. The presence of adenosine in Cantaloupe makes blood thinning and reduces the chances of heart attack and strokes.

Boost`s immunity: Cantaloupe develops our immunity because of plenty of vitamin C. It stimulates the White Blood Cells to fight against virus, bacteria and infections.

Improves eye vision: The adequate amount of vitamin A and carotene is good for eyes, eye vision and prevent many eye related disorders i.e. cataract.

Muskmelon eases menstrual cramps: Cantaloupe is good for menstrual cramps and associated with anti-coagulant properties. It helps to ease cramps by dissolving clots.

Cantaloupe nutritional facts: The  nutritional values in one cup of muskmelon  are as follows: Calories (53),  No fat, No cholesterol, No saturate fat, Carbohydrate (12g), Protein (1g), Dietary fiber (1g), Sodium (23mg), Vitamin A (5276 IU), Folic acid (22 mg), Niacin (1mg), Vitamin C (57mg), Calcium (14mg), Magnesium (19mg), Potassium (417mg) and Carotenoids (3, 219mg).
How to make muskmelon recipe?

To make Cantaloupe recipes are quite easy. We will describe here about Cantaloupe juice and Cantaloupe ice cream.

Cantaloupe/Muskmelon juice

Required material for 3 people
1 Muskmelon (500g)
Sugar/black salt as desired
1 or 2  cardamom
Water (200ml)

The quantity may be increased or decreased as per people.
Procedure: First of all wash the fruit, and removes the bark of muskmelon followed by cutting into small pieces. Now, put all the above said material into the grinder or juicer to make it juice. The prepared juice may be kept in the freeze for a while before drinking.

Cantaloupe/Muskmelon ice cream
It is easy to make Cantaloupe ice cream. Simply add cherry/almond or any other fruits/dry fruits of your choice in the above prepared juice and kept the same in the freezer to make into ice cream. Cut it and you will feel the yummiest of ice cream.

Cantaloupe/Muskmelon precautions
One should not mix milk with watermelon as it can lead to cholera.
One shouldn’t take water just after eating muskmelon as it can cause lose motion.
The person suffering from asthma should avoid it.
Pitta dominant people should skip it.
The information provided in the article should not be taken as the substitute of alternative medical diagnosis. It is for information purposes to understand health, treatment, conditions in a better way. It is suggested to consult your nearby doctor or physicians before taking any alternative medicine or practicing alternative therapies.

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Health Benefits and Uses of Muskmelon (Cantaloupe) Health Benefits and Uses of Muskmelon (Cantaloupe) Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery on 19:47:00 Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. Nice info...please cek for excellent tips N tricks :)..thx


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