Best Natural Birth Control Option and Suggestions

Best Natural Birth Control Option and Suggestions

Now that Michael and I have two lovely children, we’re thinking our family is complete.
There was definitely some grief in making this decision because I love pregnancy, giving birth, baby kisses, breastfeeding and everything that surrounds it. I know that a part of me will grieve indefinitely as childbearing is a tremendous honor and gift.

But in my heart, I know that two is my number. Thankfully, Michael and I agreed on this.Many people have asked me what I’m doing for natural birth control. To be honest, Michael and I were convinced of one approach, until we did the research. More on that below.

In this post you’ll find an overview of what’s available for couples… both conventional and natural options. I know many families who choose not to use any “control” and let God be in charge. I think that’s beautiful. Ultimately, whatever you chose to do is between you and your partner.

I hope this post on natural birth control options is helpful for you!

Withdrawal: The man withdraws his penis from the woman's vagina before he ejaculates. This doesn't always work; even before ejaculation, the penis releases small amounts of semen that can contain sperm, so this is only 60 to 80 percent successful at preventing pregnancy.

Calendar Method: Abstention from sex during the week the woman is ovulating. This technique works best when a woman's menstrual cycle is very regular. The calendar method doesn't work very well for couples who use it by itself (about a 75 percent success rate), but it can be effective when combined with the temperature and mucus methods described below.

The temperature method: This is a way to pinpoint the day of ovulation so that sex can be avoided for a few days before and after. It involves taking the basal body temperature (your temperature upon first waking) each morning with an accurate "basal" thermometer, and noting the rise in temperature that occurs after ovulation.

Illness or lack of sleep can change body temperature and make this method unreliable by itself, but when it is combined with the mucus method, it can be an accurate way of assessing fertility. The two methods combined can have a success rate as high as 98 percent.

The mucus method: This involves tracking changes in the amount and texture of vaginal discharge, which reflect rising levels of estrogen in the body. For the first few days after your period, there is often no discharge, but there will be a cloudy, tacky mucus as estrogen starts to rise. When the discharge starts to increase in volume and becomes clear and stringy, ovulation is near. A return to the tacky, cloudy mucus or no discharge means that ovulation has passed.

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Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM): Some experts believe that exclusively breastfeeding  protects a woman from pregnancy by curbing hormones that trigger ovulation. However, every woman's body responds differently to the hormonal influences of breastfeeding, so this is an unreliable method.

Male condoms: Condoms have a 98 percent effectiveness rate when used correctly. A water-based lubricant will increase the effectiveness; do not use an oil-based lubricant, however, as they break the latex.

Female condoms: These thin, soft polyurethane pouches fitted inside the vagina before sex are 95 percent effective. Female condoms are less likely to tear than male condoms.

Diaphragm: Diaphragms, which must be fitted by a doctor, act as a barrier to sperm. When used correctly with spermicidal jellies, they are 92 to 98 percent effective.

Cervical cap: This heavy rubber cap fits tightly against the cervix and can be left in place for 48 hours. Like the diaphragm, a doctor must fit the cap. Proper fitting enhances the effectiveness above 91 percent.

Spermicides: Creams, jellies and suppositories contain chemicals that kill sperm. While they can increase the effectiveness of other forms of contraception listed here, I don't recommend using them alone.

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Best Natural Birth Control Option and Suggestions Best Natural Birth Control Option and Suggestions Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery on 07:54:00 Rating: 5

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