Health Benefits of Eating Watermelon Seeds

Health Benefits of Eating Watermelon Seeds

Watermelon is an extremely popular fruit. While we all enjoy eating this sweet refreshing fruit, we usually discard the tiny seeds scattered in it without realizing or rather knowing of their health benefits. These seeds are loaded with nutrients including fatty acids, essential proteins and lots of minerals. These seeds are rich in vitamin B like thiamine, niacin, folate and minerals like magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus and copper. Besides, they are a great source of calories with 100 grams of watermelon seeds providing around 600 grams of calories.

Watermelon seeds, also called as ‘tarbooj ke beej‘ in Hindi are used in Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines.  Roasted watermelon seeds are served as a snack or used to garnish salads. In Nigeria they are used in certain soups. Watermelon seed oil is extracted from these seeds which is beneficial for your hair and skin. To say the least, watermelon seeds are edible and can be a healthy option.

How to eat watermelon seeds?
One can eat the watermelon seeds as raw, sprouted and roasted. In any form, it is tasted and without any side effects. while eating these seeds, you are advised to chew it properly elsewhere the seeds will come out from the  digestive tract as intact.

Surprising benefits of Watermelon seeds
Watermelon seeds are full of nutrients like protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Some of the important surprising benefits of eating watermelon seeds are being described.

Watermelon seeds for hair: The seeds contain adequate amount of protein, which is helpful for your hair health. The seeds contain iron, which helps to strengthen your hair and promoting hair growth. It prevents your hair in making thin, dry and dull.  The seeds contain magnesium, which is good to make your hair strong and healthy. The roasted seeds contain copper that produce melanin, a pigment, which is responsible in coloring of your hair. The essential amino acids prevent breakage of your hair. Its oil helps to treat your itchy scalp as it easily absorb in your scalp region.

Watermelon seeds for glowing skin: These seeds are abundant with fatty acid like oleic acid and linoleum acid, which is beneficial in making your skin healthy. The unsaturated fatty acids make your skin moisturized. The seeds oil prevents dry, dullness and acne to skin. The presence of fatty acid makes your skin fairer and smooth. The application of its oil on your face is beneficial in treating of acne, blemishes, wrinkles and other skin related problems. The presence of antioxidants ensure smooth skin thereby delaying your aging process.

Watermelon for snacks: Why you are longing for pizza or chips as snacks. Roasted and dried watermelon seeds are used as snacks, soups and sauces. However, one precaution may be taken that the roasted seeds should be chewed properly in order to absorb its nutrients in a better way or it will come from your digestive tract almost completely intact. Watermelon seeds sprouts can be taken as after soaking it on water for few days followed by frying it on oven. It will give the flavour of snacks. Its oil is also known as Kalahari oil or Ootanga oil because it is quite popular in West Africa where people normally like to use it in cooking.

Watermelon seeds are good for calorie: The seeds are loaded with calorie and fatty acid. One cup of such seeds contain about 600 calorie, which is almost three times of same quantity of brown rice. It is a good source of giving you energy with low cost. Simultaneously, it is known for many important beneficial fatty acids i.e. oleic acid, linoleum acid, etc.

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Watermelon for sexual urge: Watermelon is termed as natural Viagra because of its effective sexual urging properties. The seeds are loaded with many important amino acids like arginine, lysine and glutamic acid. The presence of arginine amino acid boosts your sexual power and helps to urges your sexual desire. The lycopene in the seeds helps in the formation of sperm.

Watermelon seeds for diabetes cure: Such seeds are effective to certain extent in lowering down sugar level in blood thus helpful to treat Diabetes type 2. To control sugar, one has to take tea of watermelon seeds. Magnesium regulates metabolism of carbohydrate, which directly impact blood sugar level.

Watermelon seeds nutritional facts: On nutritional value, these seeds are loaded with many important nutrients. The seeds are having protein, essential fatty acid, vitamins, and minerals. On mineral front, they are having iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper and manganese. Many important amino acids like arginne, lysine, tryptophan and glumatic acid are present in it. It is also loaded with essential fatty acid such as oleic acid, linoleum acid, etc.  On vitamin side, It has vitamin B complex.

Watermelon seeds for your heart: The presence of magnesium in watermelon ensure good functioning of heart, regulate metabolic process and maintain high blood pressure. Eating of these seeds are also beneficial for cardiac function and hypertension. Arginine treat your coronary heart disease also regulate blood pressure. Omega 6 fatty acid reduces blood pressure.

Watermelon seeds for nervous system: It is known for vitamin B complex. It contains niacin, folate, thiamine, patotheinic   acid and vitamin B6. Out of all these vitamins, Niacin is very important in maintaining of nervous system, digestive system and beauty of skin.

Watermelon seeds uses: It raw seeds because of its nutrient value. They can be used in salads, fried rice, soups, etc. It is used in sandwiches. It is used in making of sweets dishes, especially on the occasion of festivals. It tea is also quite popular and also has health beneficial. It is also the parts of bread and cookies.

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Health Benefits of Eating Watermelon Seeds Health Benefits of Eating Watermelon Seeds Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery on 19:22:00 Rating: 5


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