Effective home remedies for acidity that really work

Effective home remedies for acidity that really work

Medically known as dyspepsia, indigestion is a gastrointestinal problem people commonly complaint about. Its symptoms can be bloating, belching, burning sensation and nausea. Gas and indigestion are problems occurring from the secretion of the digestive juices in our stomach. When the acid present in the stomach begins to irritate the lining of the stomach or reaches to our oesophagus, commonly known as acid reflux, one experiences discomfort and a burning sensation in chest and stomach. While indigestion and gas can be a result of eating spicy or oily food or overeating, at times it also signals towards an underlying serious problem. Here are 15 simple yet very effective home remedies you can try out to get some relief from indigestion and gas problems.
Mint is an excellent product for acidity. You can take mint in various ways. Fresh mint leaves are much more effective than dry ones. So always use fresh mint leaves when you are affected by acidity. Crush some fresh mint leaves and remove the juice. Take a cup of chilled water and mix a teaspoon mint juice in it. Drink it. You will get relief from acidity. Grind fresh mint leaves to paste and mix it with yogurt. Take it after every meal. It will save you from severe acidity. If you have chronic problems of acidity make mint tablets and preserve them. To make tablets you have to grind mint leaves to a paste and then make small tablets with this paste. Make it dry under direct sunlight. Take one tablet after every meal. It will help you a lot to cure acidity within a few days.

Aloevera juice is an excellent product to cure chronic acidity problem. Boil some fresh aloevera gel in water for sometimes and preserve it in the refrigerator. Drink a cup of cold aloevera juice daily at an empty stomach in the morning. You will get the benefit.

Basil Leaves
The soothing and carminative properties of basil leaves can give you instant relief from acidity, gas and nausea.
Simply eat some basil leaves at the first sign of acid upset. Be sure to chew them thoroughly.
Another option is to boil three to five basil leaves in a cup of water and then let it simmer for a few minutes. You can sweeten this basil tea with honey. Do not add milk, though. Sip it frequently.

Another simple home remedy for acidity is buttermilk. It contains lactic acid that normalizes the acidity in the stomach. You can buy buttermilk or make it yourself.

Grind half to one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds with a little water to make a paste. Mix it in a glass of plain buttermilk, also called chaas, and consume it to relieve stomach ache caused by acidity.
Or, you can simply drink plain buttermilk several times a day until you get relief. Mix in a little black pepper or one teaspoon of ground coriander leaves for best results.

They are a rich source of potassium and help keep the level of acid production in your stomach in check.
Certain components in the fruit also help increase the production of mucous in your stomach, which helps protect it from the harmful effects of excessive acid production.
Are high in fibre content which helps speed up digestion, preventing the recurrence of acidity. ]
Tip for relief
Eat a ripe banana for some relief. You could also eat an overripe banana to beat an especially bad bout of acidity, as they tend to contain more potassium which makes it the perfect antidote. Here are eight foods that can help you detox naturally and aid digestion. 

When bitten into your taste buds react cloves pungent taste and secrete excess saliva, which in turn aids digestion and beats the symptoms of acidity.
Has carmitive properties and helps improve peristalisis (the movement of food down the stomach).
Tip for relief
In case you’re suffering from acidity, bite a clove once so that the juice is released and then keep it in the mouth. The slowly released juice will immediately lower acid reflux and give you some relief. Cloves can also help relieve a sore throat, here’s how .

Get rid of flatulence bloating in no time! Ginger is such a wonderful herb as it has tons of health benefits. One of them is to control and cure flatulence and also to reduce burping and bloating. Ginger is known for its digestive features and has been in use since ancient times. Ginger’s natural way of treatment is not only cheap and easy but also effective. It is highly anti-inflammatory, helps in digestion and reduces gas and easing bloating and burping. Ginger stimulates digestion and causes the stool to pass smoothly and quickly, leaving the stomach (intestines) behind clean and empty. As no food is left behind in the stomach so the amount of gas is highly reduced in the stomach. It also helps to control and avoid bloating and burping.
How to Use Ginger for the Treatment of Flatulence?

There is nothing as easy as to cure gas by using Ginger. Here are some of the simplest ways to use Ginger as a herbal remedy for the treatment of wind.

a) Ginger Capsule: It is available in capsule from many health and supermarket stores. 100 mg of ginger 2 or 3 times a day is enough to avoid bloating and prevent gas.

b) Also available in the form of tincture. 30 drops of tincture before meal is a great way of natural treatment of gas in the stomach.

c) Simply grate ginger and leave it in the boiled water for around 5 minutes and then sip it.

d) It is also available in tea bags from health food shops or super markets. A cup of Ginger tea after your meal will not only add a great taste to your meal but is also a great solution to be used as natural treatment for wind and flatulence.

e) If you cannot do any of the above, then the simplest way to use Ginger is just take a slice of ginger, bite it, chew it and swallow it….lol. Be ready for the fight! And don’t forget to take only a small amount of it.

Fennel Seeds
While suffering from gas and indigestion due to spicy or fatty food, having fennel seeds can help cure your problem. The oil contained in fennel seeds reduces nausea and controls flatulence. Dry, roast and grind fennel seeds to make a powder. Take half teaspoon of this powder twice a day along with water. You will see some results.

Black Pepper
During the condition of lack of hydrochloric acid in our stomach black pepper can be very effective to cure the problem. Black pepper can increase the flow of gastric juices and thus help in digestion. Powdered black pepper with crushed jaggery can be taken along buttermilk during indigestion. Or a fine powder of black pepper, dried mint leaves, ginger powder and coriander seeds, all taken in equal amounts, can be consumed twice a day (one teaspoon) to treat gas and indigestion.

Effective home remedies for acidity that really work Effective home remedies for acidity that really work Reviewed by Rakesh on 18:43:00 Rating: 5

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