Amazing Home Remedies For Teeth Whitening

Amazing Home Remedies For Teeth Whitening

Sparkling white teeth is something which everybody craves for as it enhances your smile and beauty. Teeth with stains look really ugly so it is important to keep the teeth sparkling white and clean. Many people avoid smiling in public as they have stained teeth.
Proper brushing and care of the teeth should be taken regularly to keep the teeth clean and white. Stained teeth can be due to poor dental hygiene, hereditary factors, infections and improper metabolism leading to discolouration of the teeth. There are certain cases when people no matter how many times they  brush their teeth,  still have stained teeth due to too much consumption of coffee, tea , chewing raw tobacco , chewing beetle leaves, smoking etc.
Nowadays many people take professional help to remove stains from their teeth, usually such treatments are time consuming and expensive. It is thus always better to follow a few natural home remedies for teeth whitening.
Everyone desires sparkling teeth to maintain a young and smart personality. Actually, shining teeth are the secret behind a beautiful smile. But, the fact is that very few people put efforts to maintain the natural whiteness of their teeth. Yellow teeth are a very common problem. There are a number of ways to get rid of yellow teeth. Teeth whitening is the process of restoring the natural colour of teeth. It may also be referred as dental bleaching. In the cosmetic industry, teeth whitening have become the most requested procedure, now-a-days. There are multiple ways for whitening teeth, like brushing, bleaching pen, laser bleaching, and bleaching strips. However, certain home remedies are also available to get whiter teeth.

Baking Soda
Baking soda is one of the best ingredients that you can use to get rid of yellow teeth. It will help remove plaque and make your pearly whites shine.

Mix a quarter teaspoon of baking soda with a little toothpaste. Brush your teeth with this gritty mixture and rinse with warm water. Use it once or twice a week.
Alternatively, you can combine baking soda with lemon juice, white vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide.
You can make a whitening mouthwash by mixing one tablespoon of baking soda and one and a half teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide with one cup of cold water. Rinse with the mouthwash two or three times a day.
You can also scrub your teeth gently for at least two minutes with diluted baking soda. Do this twice in the first week, and then every 15 days. It is essential to note that excess use of baking soda can strip your teeth of its natural enamel.

Orange Peel
Cleaning your teeth with fresh orange peel on a regular basis will reduce the yellow tinge accumulated on your teeth.

Rub orange peel over your teeth every night before going to sleep. The vitamin C and calcium in the orange peel will combat the microorganisms throughout the night.
Do this for a few weeks and you will notice effective results.
If fresh orange peel is not available, you can use dried orange peel powder.

Bleach Naturally With Strawberries
Strawberries act as a natural teeth whitener and astringent. They clean the teeth thoroughly with their Vitamin C. Moreover, they contain Malic Acid, which is a strong bleaching agent.
These powerful compounds buff away the stains from the teeth and remove the plaque. Strawberries have a caustic like effect on the teeth. Hence, they are effective in cleaning stains caused due to coffee, wine, dark sodas etc.

Brush With Apples
Crunchy, juicy apples are not only delicious but also a treat for your teeth. They act as a natural tooth brush as you chew them. In this way, they gently scrub your teeth, removing the excess food and bacteria from the mouth. Just like strawberries, they contain Malic acid which helps to dissolve stains. This compound is used in many teeth whitening products to lighten them.

Eat Crunchy Fruits and Veggies
Apples, celery, and carrots are all great for your teeth. Crunchy fruit or vegetables act like nature’s toothbrush. Simply chewing removes excess food and bacteria from your mouth. It also helps to scrub away surface stains. Not only does the texture remove food particles and bacteria, but the acids in the fruits and vegetables pull double duty, actually keeping the teeth whiter. Apples in particular contain malic acid, the chemical also found in strawberries (and teeth whitening products) that removes surface stains.

Oil Pulling
oil pulling is an Indian remedy used primarily to enhance oral health and cleanse the body. The process is actually quite simple, harmless, and very inexpensive. Simply take one tablespoon of a pure, organic oil and swish it around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes. Move the oil around your mouth through sipping, sucking, and essentially pulling through your teeth. After rinsing, spit out the oil, thoroughly rinse your mouth out with water, and consume 2-3 glasses of water (purified if possible).

To learn more on what oil pulling is and the oil pulling benefits, check out our oil pulling post. You won’t want to miss this interesting solution.

Apple cider vinegar
Give your teeth a nice rub with apple cider vinegar, rinse off thoroughly and repeat for a few days to get that sparkling white smile.

Lemon is known for its immune-boosting power, antibacterial, and healing properties. Lemon is not only used for skin diseases, but also used for whitening teeth. Take out the juice of lemon and mix it with some water. Rinse your mouth with this water.

Else, scrub your teeth directly with lemon peel to make them white.

Another way is to add some salt in a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on stained teeth. Now, rub toothpaste over your teeth and gums. Leave it for a few minutes. After sometime, rinse your mouth with normal water. Practice it twice a day to prevent teeth from yellow stains.

Holy Basil (Tulsi)

Holy basil is also a natural remedy for whitening teeth. It can not only whiten your teeth, but also provide relief from several gum problems, like bleeding gums. Put some basil leaves in direct sun. When it gets dried, crush them to form a powder. Use it for regular brushing.

Alternatively, take some tulsi leaves; crush them and mix with mustard oil. Apply the paste on teeth. Orange peel powder can also be used in place of mustard oil.

Margosa (Neem)

Margosa twigs can be used in the form of toothbrush. Chew branches of margosa for removing yellow stains and prevent teeth problems. It helps in maintaining proper health of teeth. It is known for antiseptic and astringent properties, which help in curing dental cavities and bad breath.

Mix some margosa oil with regular toothpaste. Gently use it to brush your teeth.

Olive Oil
Olive oil is another very useful natural home remedy for teeth whitening. Add a few drops of olive oil on your tooth brush and simply brush your teeth properly. Make sure you brush every corner of the teeth well. After brushing wash your mouth with cold water. This is a very simple natural and beneficial home remedy for teeth whitening.

Amazing Home Remedies For Teeth Whitening Amazing Home Remedies For Teeth Whitening Reviewed by Rakesh on 08:10:00 Rating: 5

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