Top Home Remedies High Blood Pressure
Top Home Remedies High Blood Pressure
Lemon, a popular citrus fruit, can help regulate high BP. Its antioxidant vitamin C helps neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals.
This in turn helps lower high blood pressure, reduces high cholesterol and improves overall heart health. In addition, lemons are high in potassium that helps lower blood pressure by reducing the effects of sodium.
According to a 2014 study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, regular lemon ingestion and walking have systolic blood pressure-lowering effects.
Drink a cup of warm water with the juice from ½ lemon added to it each morning on an empty stomach. For best results, do not add salt or sugar.
Garlic offers blood pressure lowering benefits. It helps relax blood vessels by stimulating the production of nitric oxide, which in turn lowers blood pressure, especially systolic blood pressure.
A 2008 study published in the journal BMC Cardiovascular Disorders suggests that garlic preparations are superior to placebo in reducing blood pressure in individuals with hypertension.
Garlic can even help improve blood circulation, lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease.
Eat 2 – 3 raw garlic cloves daily on an empty stomach. You can also take garlic supplements, but only after consulting your doctor.
Coconut Water
Coconut water is found inside the shell of green, unripe coconuts that retains its natural benefits in organic and raw form. It contains potassium and magnesium, both of which relate to regular muscle function, and of course, the heart is a big giant muscle. While there have been some limited studies on the effect of coconut water on hypertension, many people report anecdotally that it has helped lower blood pressure. In studies, it seemed to particularly affect systolic blood pressure, or the force that takes place when the heart pumps blood away from it. If you don’t have a problem with coconut water, it may prove to be a solid remedy for you.
You will need…
-8 ounces of fresh, organic coconut water
Drink 8 ounces 1-2 times daily. Morning is ideal if you drink it once a day, while morning and night works well if you opt to drink it twice a day.
Fish Oil
Of course this is on here! You may roll your eyes because you’ve seen it everywhere, but fish oil and its bountiful omega-3 fatty acids are a beautiful thing when it comes to your heart. While studies have been wishy-washy on whether or not it actually reduces the risk of heart attacks or strokes, it has been viewed as successful when it comes to lowering blood pressure, while also reducing triglycerides and increasing HDL (“good”) cholesterol. Heart transplant patients have been given fish oil to reduce the risk of hypertension following a transplant.
You will need…
-High quality fish oil
I prefer liquid fish oil taken in orange juice to the pills which can have some…unpleasant side effects. Take the amount appropriate for you as indicated on the back of the bottle.
Eat Banana
If you have high blood pressure, you can eat bananas. As bananas are rich of potassium, it can reduce the effect of sodium and can control high level blood pressure. It is advisable that a person with high blood pressure must eat 2 bananas a day to control the blood pressure to a normal level. You can take spinach, orange juice, raisins, dried apricots, winter squash and zucchini along with banana as well.
Onions are very good for health as it will help to cool the body naturally. Onions consists of antioxidant flavonol known as quercetin which is very useful for reducing high blood pressure. It is better to eat onion of medium size regularly. Also you can make a mixture of onion juice and honey and take twice a day to control high blood pressure.
Celery contains a lot of 3-N-butylphthalide – a kind of ‘phytochemical’ content that can help you a lot in calming the increase of you blood pressure level. When you consume celery every day, you will see a noticeable improvement in your blood pressure level within a very short period of time. Celery will also help to reduce the stress hormones that constrict blood vessels and lead to high blood pressure as well. For good, you should eat a stalk of celery with a glass of plain water every day.
Watermelon Seeds
This food contains a chemical compound that is called “cucurbocitrin”. This compound will aid you in widening the blood capillaries. As well, this compound can help your body to significantly improve the kidneys function. This ingredient can help a lot in decreasing the blood pressure level and in dealing with arthritis.
You should take 2 teaspoons of watermelon seeds (dried), gently crush them, and then, add them to a cup of boiling water. After that, you need to steep the mixture in about an hour. Finally, you need to strain it and take 4 tablespoon of the water at regular intervals in a day.
Top Home Remedies High Blood Pressure
Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery

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