Best Home Remedies For Sun Burn
Best Home Remedies For Sun Burn
Baking Soda
Baking soda can be very soothing on sunburned skin due to its alkaline nature. Plus, it has antiseptic properties that will relieve the itchy sensation associated with sunburn.
Fill your bathtub with cold water, add one cup of baking soda and stir well. Soak in the water for about 15 minutes. After getting out of the bath, pat dry or allow your body to air dry. Do this once daily until you get positive results.
Alternatively, mix four tablespoons of baking soda with enough water to make a paste. Apply the paste directly on the affected skin using a cotton ball. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash it off with tepid water. Follow this remedy once or twice a day for several days depending upon the severity of your condition.
Oatmeal can also help treat sunburned skin. It has soothing properties that help the skin retain its natural moisture and reduce irritation.
Fill the bathtub with cool water, add one cup of oatmeal to it and mix thoroughly. Soak in the bath water for about half an hour. After getting out of the water, air dry your body and avoid rubbing the skin with a towel. Do this once daily until you get rid of the sunburn symptoms.
Alternatively, cook oatmeal with enough water until it has a runny consistency. Let it cool completely and then apply it liberally to the damaged skin. Do not rub the oatmeal on your skin. Leave it on the skin for half an hour and then rinse it off with cool water. Follow this remedy two or three times a day as needed.
Aloe Vera
The thick, gel-like juice of the aloe vera plant can take the sting and redness out of a sunburn. Aloe vera causes blood vessels to constrict. Luckily, this healing plant is available at your local nursery or even in the grocery store's floral department. Simply slit open one of the broad leaves and apply the gel directly to the burn. Apply five to six times per day for several days.
Cool Compress
Soak a washcloth in cool water and apply it directly to the burned areas (do not apply ice or an ice pack to sunburned skin) for several minutes, rewetting the cloth often to keep it cool. Apply the compress multiple times throughout the day as needed to relieve discomfort. You can also add a soothing ingredient, such as baking soda or oatmeal, to the compress water. Simply shake a bit of baking soda into the water before soaking the cloth. Or wrap dry oatmeal in a cheesecloth or a piece of gauze and run water through it. Then toss out the oatmeal and soak the compress in the oatmeal water.
Potato paste
If you’ve found yourself with searing hot red skin, root up a few potatoes. Potatoes have been known as a pain reliever throughout the years, working particularly well on minor skin irritations and soothing scratches, bites, and burns, as well as possibly reducing inflammation. Some people feel that the juice of the potato works the best, while others feel just slices are sufficient. Try both, and see which one is the best remedy for your sunburn.
You will need…
-2 potatoes
-A grater, blender, or knife
-Cotton balls, cotton pads, facial tissue, or gauze
Wash and scrub your potatoes thoroughly, and then either grate them over a bowl or cut them up and put them in a blender. There is no need to remove the peels. If you’re using a blender, give them a whirl until they’ve become quite liquid. If they seem too dry, you can add a small amount of water. Pour out the mixture, soak cotton balls thoroughly in it, and apply to sunburn. An easier perhaps more effective method would be to soak gauze and lay it over the burn.
Cool off with mint & tea
Mint naturally cools and soothes whatever it touches, and sunburns are no exception. The tannic acid and theobromine found in green tea also helps relieve pain and heal damaged skin when applied topically.
You will need…
-1 quart of boiling water
-5 green tea bags
-3 cups of fresh mint leaves
-Cotton pads or a clean soft cloth
Bring 1 quart of water to a boil. Remove the strings and tags from the 5 tea bags and add them, as well as 3 cups of fresh mint leaves, to a pan. Pour the boiling water over the mint leaves and tea bags and cover with a lid, letting is sit for approximately an hour so you can get all the good stuff out of it. Strain and then chill. When the mixture has chilled thoroughly, use cotton pads or a clean soft cloth soaked in the liquid and apply directly to the burn. You can also pour it over the burn if you wish. If you find yourself without green tea you can substitute black tea, which also contains tannins.
The sticky stuff's been used as a topical burn salve since Egyptian days. "Studies suggest it may work better than some antibiotic creams at speeding up healing, reducing infection, and minimizing pain," says Kathi Kemper, M.D., author of The Holistic Pediatrician.
Best Home Remedies For Sun Burn
Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery

Sunbathing is one of the most dangerous things people do to themselves. The dangerous UV rays burn skin to its core. It is better to protect it by sipping a glass of Goji Berry Juice and application of sunscreen on the body.