Best Health Benefits of Ginger Tea
Best Health Benefits of Ginger Tea
Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you Best Health Benefits of Ginger Tea. This is the Best Health Benefits of Ginger Tea. So you can check Best Health Benefits of Ginger Tea Below Here. Ginger is a fleshy spice which is brown in color. It has a pungent smell and a very hot taste. It is useful for curing many common diseases and is widely used in India for home remedies.
Ginger can also be used to make tea that contains many vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C and magnesium. Ginger tea can be taken with lemon juice, honey or peppermint. Ginger tea is also known as ‘Adrak Chai’ in Hindi, ‘Allam Tea’ in Telugu, and ‘Inji Tea’ in Tamil.
Let us quickly look at some of the benefits of ginger tea, a wonderful gift of nature:
How to Make Ginger Tea
To make 1 quart of ginger tea, chop an unpeeled 2-inch piece of whole ginger into coarse pieces and place in a 2- to 3-quart pot with one quart of purified water. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat, allowing the tea to simmer for 15 minutes. Strain the tea and store in a thermos bottle or glass jar.
To make 1 cup of ginger tea, take a piece of whole, unpeeled ginger root and grate 1 heaping teaspoon. Stir the ginger into a cup of hot water and let steep for 2 minutes. Strain or let the ginger settle at the bottom of the cup.
Ginger Tea Benefits
Fights Cancer
Today, most people are affected by cancer in one way or another. Chances are you know someone who is battling cancer or you may be fighting it yourself. If that’s the case, add ginger into your daily diet. Several studies have found it beneficial in fighting lung, prostate, ovarian, colon, breast, skin, and pancreatic cancers.
According to researchers, ginger’s anti-cancer properties are a result of the compound 6-gingerol, which is found in large amounts in raw ginger. 6-gingerol has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor activities.
Adding ginger to your diet can help prevent new cancer cells from forming and destroy active ones. It’s also beneficial for people who are already on cancer treatments since ginger has been known to prevent the toxic effects of cancer drugs. In a study with 744 cancer patients, ginger supplementation significantly reduced chemotherapy-induced nausea.
Motion Sickness
It can help in soothing nerves. This is useful to prevent vomiting, headaches and migraines. It is also useful to get rid of a jet lag after a long trip.
Protects Against Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects the central nervous system. It accounts for nearly 60–70 percent of dementia cases in people over 65 years old worldwide. If Alzheimer’s runs in your family or you are worried you may one day suffer from the disease, you should think about incorporating more ginger into your current diet and daily routine.
Research shows ginger can help slow down the loss of brain cells, which typically leads to Alzheimer’s Disease. Additionally, some studies done on animals suggest the antioxidants and other powerful compounds found in ginger can fight inflammatory responses that occur in the brain. Other animal studies show that consuming ginger can protect against age-related decline in brain function.
These findings weren’t only reached in animal studies, though. In one study, researchers gave 60 middle-aged women ginger extract or a placebo. Researchers then evaluated the women’s memory and brain function. They found women who consumed ginger displayed “enhanced working memory.”
Stomach Discomfort
It plays a vital role in proper digestion, which indirectly improves food absorption and avoids stomach pain. This can also help you to keep away from unnecessary belching. This improves your appetite by releasing gastric acids.
Relieve nausea
Drinking a cup of ginger tea before travelling can help prevent the nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness. You can also drink a cuppa at the first sign of nausea to relieve the symptom.
Improve stomach performance
Useful in improving digestion and increasing absorption of food, ginger tea can bloating after eating too much.
Drinking ginger tea is beneficial in case of asthma. Ginger helps to loosen phlegm and expand the lungs, which in turn helps to recover from difficult breathing. It also reduces allergies and constant sneezing.
Helps with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS is a common disorder that affects nearly 25-45 million Americans. Some symptoms include cramps, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and mucus in the stool. People who suffer from painful IBS will be happy to hear ginger can offer some relief. That’s because ginger can help relax the intestines during a flair up.
There are several ways you can consume ginger – add ginger root in your cooked dishes, take ginger supplements, or brew ginger tea. The good news is they all seem to have a calming effect on the digestive system.
Reduce inflammation
Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties that make it an ideal home remedy for muscle and joint problems. In addition to drinking ginger tea, you can also use it to soak inflamed joints.
Fight respiratory problems
Ginger tea can help relieve congestion associated with the common cold. Try a cup of ginger tea for the respiratory symptoms associated with environmental allergies.
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Best Health Benefits of Ginger Tea
Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery

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