DIY Golden Facial Mask For Young Radiant Skin

DIY Golden Facial Mask For Young Radiant Skin

A glowing skin is something we all dream of. And the cosmetic industry complies! The market is chock-a-full of products that promise to give your skin an instant glow. These face packs do work, but going all natural is always better, isn’t it? Why put your skin through harsh chemical reactions when you can get similar glow with all things natural? Yes, it takes a little effort, but nothing good comes easy, remember?

Why Is It Called The ‘Golden’ Mask?
Let’s start with the most basic question that might have kept you wondering till now. Why does the mask have the word ‘golden’ in its name? Well, the answer is a no-brainer. This particular facial mask has a beautiful golden-yellow hue and of course, it comes from the earthy, bright yellow herb ‘turmeric’. Yes, just like the nourishing drink ‘golden milk’, this mask also contains turmeric. In fact, turmeric is one of the most widely used herbal beauty ingredients in middle-eastern countries and we Indians simply swear by it. However, coconut milk is replaced with yogurt in this sunshine-yellow mask for all the good reasons and we will talk about it later. It also features a couple of other ingredients that are quite skin-friendly and enhance the beauty-boosting power of turmeric and yogurt to a great extent.

DIY – Golden Facial Mask Recipe
The golden facial mask recipe is a simple and easy to follow one. Moreover, you do not need to splurge on expensive or rare supplies as all its ingredients are usually present in our kitchen. So, here is the step by step procedure to come up with this natural beauty formula:

Supplies Needed:
Organic turmeric – 2 teaspoons
Greek yogurt – (1/2) cup
Organic honey – 1 teaspoon
Organic coconut oil – 1 teaspoon
Lemon – 1 small
A mixing bowl
A spoon
A hand grater
Lukewarm water

Steps To Follow:
Wash and clean the turmeric and peel it off. Grate it with a hand grater or simply ground it finely.
Take the Greek yogurt in a mixing bowl and beat it well.
Add the grated or ground turmeric to the beaten yogurt.
Pour honey and coconut oil into it.
Squeeze out the fresh juice of the lemon into the bowl.
Combine all ingredients thoroughly to form a smooth paste. It should be neither too tight nor too runny. Come up with a medium consistency that would not drip easily.
Apply the mask all over your face skipping the eye and lip areas.
Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes.
Then, rinse it off with lukewarm water.

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It is highly recommended that you use organic raw turmeric instead of the generic store-bought ones available in the market. Those are mostly found in the form of powder and contain dyes in excessive amounts.
Though Greek yogurt yields the best results, you can also replace it with plain organic yogurt in the case of unavailability.
Coconut yogurt (as the name suggest, it is yogurt made from coconut milk and is infused with all its goodness) can also be considered as a great option for this mask.
Always use pure, raw, organic honey in your homemade facial masks. It doesn’t contain impurities and provides the most impressive outcomes.
It is better to use extra virgin coconut oil on our skin. However, you can also go for the organic version.

Goodness Of Golden Facial Mask
Now, it’s time to know what is so damn good about this golden facial mask. Let’s explore:

Turmeric is loaded with a powerful antioxidant named ‘curcumin’ (gives the wonderful sunshine-yellow color), which also makes the herb a strong anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal agent. While used in this mask, turmeric itself keeps signs of aging (wrinkles, fine lines, age spots etc.) at bay by fighting against damaging free radicals, heals and prevents breakouts by unclogging skin pores and destroying acne-causing bacteria, improves skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, etc. by treating them efficiently, increases the elasticity of skin, improves its texture, and brightens up the complexion.
Yogurt is a superfood for skin that nourishes it deeply and keeps it moisturized naturally. Being rich in lactic acid, yogurt plays a key role in skin exfoliation by dissolving dead cells, which eventually makes the texture and tone of the skin better. The zinc content of yogurt, on the other hand, can turn the skin flawless by reducing acne, blemishes, scars, and sun spots.
The skin-hydrating abilities of honey are widely appreciated. Hence, it can lock the natural moisture in our skin and nourish it from inside. It also has incredible antioxidant and antibacterial properties, which help in preventing premature aging as well as eradicating acne and breakouts.
Coconut oil has outstanding hydrating qualities, thanks to its high essential fatty acid content. Besides, it is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial by nature, which makes the mask even more beneficial.

Use this golden facial mask twice every week to get desired results. Are you ready to try it?

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DIY Golden Facial Mask For Young Radiant Skin DIY Golden Facial Mask For Young Radiant Skin Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery on 19:33:00 Rating: 5

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