Best Home Remedies for Skin Pigmentation

Best Home Remedies for Skin Pigmentation

Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you Best Home Remedies for Skin Pigmentation. This is the Best Home Remedies for Skin Pigmentation. So you can check Best Home Remedies for Skin Pigmentation Below Here. A widespread problem among the masses, especially a beauty concern among women, skin pigmentation manifests itself as dark or light patches of skin, especially on the face. Skin pigmentation is not a life threatening skin condition, but the embarrassment and constant questioning that the affected individual has to undergo is much worse than a life threatening condition. Exposure to sun and allergic conditions can cause pigmentation. Hereditary too plays a great role in deciding whether you are susceptible to skin pigmentation. Therefore, if your mother and grandmother had pigmentation on the skin, it is most likely that you too would be faced with the condition. Thankfully, home remedies are a dime a dozen when it comes to pigmentation. Even a heredity triggered condition can be considerably reduced by the use of natural remedies.

1. Aloe vera:
Mash some aloe vera and squeeze out its gel. Dilute with a few drops of water and apply on thoroughly cleansed face. Leave it for half hour and wash off with cold water. This helps in clearing out spots and pigmentation.

2. Lemon juice:
Mix the juice of half a lemon with two tsp of honey. Lemon has bleaching properties and is also effective in countering acne. Honey will help moisturize your skin. Apply the concoction on your skin for fifteen minutes and wash off for a visibly cleaner skin.

3. Oats for exfoliation:
Oats are great for exfoliation as they help slough off dead skin and give you a fresh look. Mix some powdered oatmeal mixed with a few tsp of milk ( if you have dry skin) or yoghurt ( if you have oily skin) to form a smooth paste. Apply it all over the face in circular motion and leave it on for fifteen minutes. Wash off to get smoother skin.

4. Cucumber juice:
Cucumber has cooling properties and heals acne. It also helps repair sun damage. Grate cucumber and squeeze out the juice. Apply it over your face. Use the gratings to cover your eyes and rest yourself for half an hour. The nap and the cucumber juice will only leave you really fresh.

5. Potato to the rescue:
Potato is very effective against dark circles. Along the same principles, it also helps in reducing skin pigmentation. Grate potato and squeeze its juice on the skin. Allow it to dry before washing it off. This helps lighten blemishes.

6. Papaya:
If you have an overripe papaya, the best way to put some of the pulp to use is through a mask. Mash a small piece of papaya and apply it on the face. It counters acne and also evens out skin tone.

7. Tomato for blemishes:
Tomato is known to lighten the skin tone. Apply tomato pulp on the face for about half hour and wash off. Repeat this weekly for a cure against blemishes.

8. Mint:
There is something really refreshing and cooling about mint. It has skin lightening properties too. Crush a few mint leaves; apply on dark patches in the skin. Soak in the tingling sensation for a while before washing it off.

9. Chandan or sandal:
With regular use, sandalwood lightens skin tone and also reduces the oiliness of the skin. Apply a paste of sandalwood with rose water and apply it on the skin. Wash it after it dries.

10. Almond paste:
Almond paste is great for getting rid of dead skin cells and also moisturizes skin in a good measure. Soak some almonds in water and grind them into a coarse paste. Keep a little coarse paste aside and make a fine paste of the remaining almonds. Wash face and scrub damp skin with the coarse paste. Wash it off and apply the fine paste as a mask. Leave it on for half hour before washing it to reveal soft and renewed skin.

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Best Home Remedies for Skin Pigmentation Best Home Remedies for Skin Pigmentation Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery on 19:06:00 Rating: 5

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