Best Home Remedies For Arteriosclerosis

Best Home Remedies For Arteriosclerosis

Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you Best Home Remedies For Arteriosclerosis. This is the Best Home Remedies For Arteriosclerosis. So you can check Best Home Remedies For Arteriosclerosis Below Here. Some of the home remedies for arteriosclerosis include a juice diet, quitting smoking, diet management, beet juice, and parsley. Arteriosclerosis basically refers to the hardening of large and medium-sized arteries. The thickening is caused due to an excess accumulation of calcium or lime in the blood vessels.
Due to this phenomenon, the flexibility and elasticity of the blood vessels is lost. Additionally, the arteries narrow, which causes evident interference with the blood flow. It is believed to be one of the most common diseases of the blood vessels. Mostly, the arteries of the legs, aorta, heart, kidneys, and abdomen suffer from arteriosclerosis. At times, arteriosclerosis can also be the potential causative stimulus for erectile dysfunction.
The prominent cause behind arteriosclerosis is the adoption of a bad diet. A diet that basically contains saturated and hydrogenated fat, along with the processed and refined food, can potentially causes arteriosclerosis. Other causative reasons behind artery hardening are smoking, rheumatism, malaria, diabetes, and increased blood pressure. The American Heart Association has concluded that arteriosclerosis is a slow, complex disease that typically starts in childhood and often progresses as people grow older. At times, hereditary and emotional factors can also result in arteriosclerosis.

Arteriosclerosis: Symptoms
The main symptoms that are related to arteriosclerosis are:
Pain and cramps in the legs
Coldness and numbness in the feet
Angina pectoris
Kidney disorders
High blood pressure
Memory loss
The regular treatment of arteriosclerosis commences with the adoption of a diet containing fruit juices and vegetables. Common vitamins and OTC products are also beneficial in treating arteriosclerosis. Some of them are oat bran, Pantothenic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, niacin, and antioxidant-containing substances.
Arteriosclerosis is an unceasing disease that you must always be aware of. It is commonly known as congealing of the arteries, and basically, the arterial wall thickens and becomes inelastic. This chronic disease develops with age.
Some of its causes are hypertension, smoking, genes, high cholesterol level, obesity, and a lack of exercise. The National Organization for Rare Disorders concludes that Arteriosclerotic Retinopathy is a series of changes in the retina that are caused by arteriosclerosis. Once you know that you suffer with arteriosclerosis, you should start treating it as soon as possible. For a quick and effective treatment, try some home remedies for arteriosclerosis. In most cases, they have proven very useful for people around the world.

Home Remedies For Arteriosclerosis

Pineapple is a very sweet and exotic fruit which has a number of medicinal values that are extremely useful for curing certain diseases and disorders. It contains huge amounts of bromelain which is a proteolytic enzyme which helps in reducing the stickiness of the blood platelets.

If the blood is less sticky then there are fewer chances of clot formation and subsequent blockages in the arteries. Bromelain also reduces the inflammatory response to any irritation or injury to the artery.  Eat two servings of fresh pineapple daily.

Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper stimulates the blood flow and lowers the cholesterol levels in the blood. It also enhances heart output and reduces the risk of blood clotting. Cayenne pepper has the ability to strengthen the blood vessels in the limbs and help to increase the peripheral circulation thereby warming the hands and the feet. Add small amounts of cayenne pepper to all your dishes.

Turmeric is phenomenally rich in curcumin which has potent antioxidant powers. It strengthens the blood vessels and at the same time prevents any damage to the blood vessel walls. It also increases the blood flow and reduces serum lipids and cholesterol levels in the blood. Mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder into a glass of hot milk and consume this mixture twice daily.

Garlic is another effective remedy for arteriosclerosis. It not only keeps the blood vessels in optimum health by lowering the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides but also inhibits the formation of new plaque by preventing oxidative damage. It also has anti-coagulant properties which dissolve the clots and allow the blood to flow freely. Swallow three or four cloves of garlic every morning.

Ginger contains powerful antioxidants and proteolytic enzymes which prevent clots, lower cholesterol and decrease the blood pressure thereby preventing the arteries from becoming thick and stiff. Boil a cup of water and add one teaspoon of grated ginger to it. After ten minutes strain the tea and drink three to four cups of it daily.

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Best Home Remedies For Arteriosclerosis Best Home Remedies For Arteriosclerosis Reviewed by Rakesh on 18:51:00 Rating: 5


  1. Arteriosclerosis is a group of diseases characterised by thickened and hardened artery walls. This condition can lead to high blood pressure and heart diseases. Fortunately, there are some simple Herbal Remedies for Arteriosclerosis available that can employ you to keep this condition under control. Triggers of this condition are directly or indirectly related to diet and lifestyle, seeking the help of Home Remedies for Arteriosclerosis to cure as well as prevent this seem appropriate to most patients nowadays.

  2. Heart problem affects approximately 25 percent of the adult population around the world and arteriosclerosis is one of them. It is a common condition which acts as a precursor of many other more serious and sometimes fatal diseases such as kidney failures, heart diseases and stroke. People generally prefer medical approach to treat this condition but Natural Home Remedies for Arteriosclerosis is better option than drugs. Holistic approach tends to lower the symptoms of this condition in a natural way. So, you can also try Ayurvedic Remedies for Arteriosclerosis to get rid of it effectively.


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