Best DIY French Green Clay Mask For Face

Best DIY French Green Clay Mask For Face

Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you Best DIY French Green Clay Mask For Face. This is the Best DIY French Green Clay Mask For Face. So you can check Best DIY French Green Clay Mask For Face Below Here. Here, I will explain how to make your own French green clay mask recipe at home easily and quickly.

Green clay for skin is a natural ingredient that is sold in the form of powder but you can also find it in nature in specific areas.

For example, I still remember that during a visit to a beach in Corfu, Greece, when stopping for a minute to enjoy the view from the top, we found a hill covered with this green clay which a local man passing by suggested that we use for skin beauty masks.

What a discovery! Cosmetic treatment under your feet! 🙂 Unfortunately though, I don’t have any picture to show you of that wonderful landscape.

At that time, that man had told us that green clay is very good for the face, so we put some big lumps of that green clay into a bag and later I tried to make my first green clay facial mask.

Since my skin is prone to whiteheads if I don’t have it properly cleansed, this green clay helped my skin get rid of the dead cells and keep it more balanced.

When my Corfu green clay finished, I purchased the French green clay which worked quite well, too. So, here I will give you my facial recipe which is good to make at least once a week.

Where To Apply And How Often? Make sure to apply it to the regions of the cheeks, forehead, nose, and chin – keeping away from eyes and lips. The folks with oily skin can use this mask 2-3 days in a week or so.

Can Green Clay irritate the face?  No, green clay mask does not lead to any skin problem. In fact, it’s used to treat acne. Use a clay mask with mineral water. Don’t use it with milk as it may cause skin problems.  Moreover, the texture of the clay mask is impermeable and if you rub it too much onto the skin, it can cause redness.

Can Men Apply Clay Face Mask? Yes, as men should also regulate excess skin oil production and keep the skin pores unclogged. The two main characteristics of a clay mask are deep cleansing and detoxifying, and so they are beneficial to women as well as men. Men can use a clay mask once a week, after shaving but before toning their skin.

How To Make Green Clay Face Mask At Home?
Green clay for skin is a natural ingredient that is available in the form of powder. Green clay mask is good for oily and acne prone skin as green clay helps get rid of the dead skin cells and keep it more balanced.

1. Basic, But Effective French Clay Mask:

You will need:

(i) French green clay: 3 teaspoons

(ii) Some mineral water (preferably, use mineral water as tap water contains chlorine that can minimize the positive benefits of a natural product like green clay and can even irritate sensitive types of skin)

(iii) Natural Essential oil: Few drops (almond oil, argon oil or  jojoba oil, which is great for acne breakouts)


(i) Take 3 teaspoons of clay in a glass bowl depending upon the area you want to cover with the mask. For face 3 teaspoons are enough for a single use. If you want to use it on your neck too, take more clay.

(ii) As you can get the green clay in a very thin powder form, so it’s easy for the clay to get dissolved into water. Take care to add water slowly and mix well until you get a homogeneous, smooth paste, which is neither too drippy nor too stable. While adding water and mixing with clay, follow instructions given on the clay box.

Natural Beauty Tip: No metal or plastic spoon or utensil should be used to prevent any reaction from this pure natural product.

(iii) Finally mix in few drops of essential oil of your choice to get a moisturizing effect. One of the benefits of applying green clay mask onto face is to balance out the natural oil (sebum) that the skin produces. The objective of adding a few drops of almond, jojoba or argan oil is to get moisturizing effect and make your skin soft.

How To Apply Green Face Mask
(i) First, dip a wash cloth in hot water.  Place it over your face and leave it on for a minute to help steam your face and open your pores.  Then pat gently to dry your skin with a soft, clean towel.

(ii) For applying the clay mask, preferably use your bare hands. This way you can apply it more even and work better on all the areas that you are aiming to cover (such as neck). While applying, make sure not to get too close to your eyes or lips.

(iii) After applying the clay mask, lie down and relax. Let the mask work its magic. You can relax lying on a sofa, reading your favorite book or whatever you like so as to keep your thoughts away from everyday stressful chores.

(iv) While you are having mask on, it will soon begin getting drying on your skin. During this time, you will feel as your skin is getting stretched – but you don’t need to worry as this is normal as the mask is drying up on your skin. Let the mask remain there for at least 15 minutes, until the mask dries out thoroughly.

(v) For removing the dry mask, a better way is using an exfoliating cloth soaked with warm water. It helps to cleanse your skin easily and offers you a much better exfoliation. Then rinse your face with cool water and pat your skin dry.

(vi) Finish with applying moisturizing natural oil such as Sukin Rosehip oli or you can use your favorite moisturizer.

2. Green Clay Mask For Acne Prone Skin: For acne prone skin you need an acne-specific mask such as like this:

You will need:

(i) Aloe vera gel: 3 tablespoons, preferably freshly squeezed

(ii) Dry orange peel powder: 1/2 teaspoon

(iii) Natural Essential Oil: a couple of drops (lavender or tea tree oil)

(iv) Green clay powder: as needed

Method: Mix all the ingredients together and stir well until you get a smooth, homogenous spreadable paste.

For directions on how to apply, follow the procedure as given in the 1st mask.

Where To Buy French Green Clay?
You can buy green clay at natural product shops or health stores. You can also buy French green clay or other varieties on line at Amazon or eBay.

Use the above green clay mask recipes to cleanse your face and above all revitalize your facial skin.
Best DIY French Green Clay Mask For Face Best DIY French Green Clay Mask For Face Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery on 09:25:00 Rating: 5

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