How to Make Papaya Enzyme Mask

How to Make Papaya Enzyme Mask

Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you How to Make Papaya Enzyme Mask. This is the best way How to Make Papaya Enzyme Mask. So you can check How to Make Papaya Enzyme Mask Below Here. Few days ago, I wrote about “Is Papaya Good For Skin” and also published “DIY Papaya Face Mask Recipes”.

Now in this post, we will tell you another secret about beauty – Enzyme Exfoliation, and a super easy way to do it.

What Is Enzyme Exfoliation?
Most people are familiar with exfoliation. When you use something to physically exfoliate your skin, you’re using it to mechanically scrub off the top most layer of your skin, and in the process may unclog some pores.

So, if you use a washcloth to exfoliate your skin, or rub some wet, grainy sugar around your face, then these are two examples of mechanical exfoliation. Then what we have is chemical exfoliation, which is also known as “Enzyme Exfoliation”.

Enzymes are proteins that digest other proteins like the dead skin cells and old scar tissues trapped in the skin pores. Thus unlike mechanical action, enzyme-exfoliation is a process that works through a chemical reaction.

Don’t get shocked, I will not ask you to apply horrid chemicals on your face… relax it only involves using gentle, natural enzymes, which are things that stimulate the chemical reaction (exfoliation) to take place.

What the enzyme exfoliation does is that on one hand it stimulates new cell turnover, on the other hand it digests and even gets rid of the old impacted proteins in the skin pores – consequently provoking your skin to rejuvenate itself again!

I particularly do not suggest ever using mechanical exfoliation for anyone. So keep yourself away from using any fancy exfoliation bead face-wash please and instead go for enzyme exfoliation.

So, I strongly recommend using enzyme exfoliation to treat skin problems, even the severe ones like red, sensitive, clogged up, may be rosacea prone skin as well.

What are enzymes? From Where To Get Them? How To Exfoliate With Enzymes?

Natural Source Of Enzymes
You can get enzymes from a number of natural sources that you can use in making an exfoliation mask at home. Few easily accessible examples are papaya, plain yogurt, or pineapples.

But in general, the main one that the natural beauty experts have been trying out and having great success with is using a papaya mask. Papaya is one of the most naturally occurring gentle enzymes even for exfoliating sensitized skin and gives remarkable results without further causing irritation and sensitivity.

Here are some of the comments that the people have been giving after using Papaya Enzyme Mask:

“A papaya enzyme mask is what I use and it has taken away all redness and scarring from my face in less than 30 days and has worked miracles on my sensitive skin!”

“I have recently started applying papaya enzyme facial mask, and my skin is less clogged already. My skin has never been like this since very long and during day time I have observed my skin is not as greasy as it used to be”

“Because of using enzyme masks redness in my skin has been noticeably reduced. It was yesterday, and today my skin looks even clearer, it does not appear as if hidden behind a layer of rough dead skin. It also look very less red than it normally is and it’s ph also seems to have balanced.”

How To Make And Use Papaya Enzyme Face Mask?

You will need:
(i) Papaya: 1 – Fully ripe, medium or small size

(ii) Apple Cider Vinegar Or Lemon Juice (optional): Few drops, use either raw / organic ACV or freshly squeezed lemon juice

(i) Cut a piece of fully ripe papaya, mash it up and just apply it to your face.

(ii) If you like, just mix in a few drops of raw apple cider vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice. The acidity of either of these two will help the enzymes really get down into your skin to unclog the pores.

(iii) Place a warm washcloth on to your face for a few minutes – this will soften the pores and prepare your skin for the exfoliation about to take place. Gently spread it around your face, leaving it on for 15 minutes or so, and then rinse it off.

(iv) You can apply above procedure to either your dry or damp skin.

Some people might notice at first a slight tingling, light burning, or redness. But soon it should calm down and you will feel much more clarity to your skin and far less redness.

Natural Beauty Tip: If you have super sensitive skin and experience a high level of stinging or burning, massage with an oil (like jojoba, hemp, or argan oil) into the mask right before rinsing it off with water to will provide a buffer.

Alternative Recipe: Instead of a fully ripe papaya, you can use pure powdered papaya that is a more practical solution. You will just need to mix it with a little water and put it on your skin to start doing it’s magic, no mushing or mashing involved.

Where To Fit In Your Routine?
Although it depends on your preference, but for best results do it after washing face, and before you put on moisturizer.

How Often?
It depends. The purpose of enzyme exfoliation is to cleanse the skin pores and make your skin to rejuvenate on its own. Every individual’s rate of regeneration and capability to heal varies. Usually, skin reverts back to its old clogged condition 3-5 days in the beginning. You should repeat the enzyme procedure before your skin gets chance to revert. But, at the same time you also would not like to over exfoliate as that can lead to more skin sensitivity.

Natural Beauty Tip: One needs enzyme exfoliation more in the beginning, and then less often later. A general guideline is to apply 3 days for the 1st week, then every 5 days, and then weekly is the perfect frequency until may be you will need occasionally as the skin would finally be generating on its own.

Caution: If you feel skin sensitivity has increased from applying enzyme then you should wait for that to recede, which can take 1-2 weeks. You are encouraged to listen to your instincts and your skin needs, and decide what is best for you.

Have you ever used enzyme exfoliation before? Please share your experience in the comments below!
How to Make Papaya Enzyme Mask How to Make Papaya Enzyme Mask Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery on 19:44:00 Rating: 5

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