Best And Worst Foods For A Hangover
Best And Worst Foods For A Hangover
Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you Best And Worst Foods For A Hangover. This is the Best And Worst Foods For A Hangover. So you can check Best And Worst Foods For A Hangover Below Here. Are you having a chronic headache after enjoying party last night? Then it is due to alcohol overdose which we call it a hangover. Good News! Having a few drinks doesn’t mean that you are destined to spend the next morning with a severe headache. Even few researchers have mentioned that your alcoholic choices and the foods you consume before, during, and after having a drink could reduce your risks of getting affected with a morning hangover.
Foods That Help Cure A Hangover
Coconut For A Hangover
Drinking a glass of coconut water keeps you hydrated and provides your body with potassium, thus preventing the risks of a hangover.
Spinach For A Hangover
If your liver gets affected due to a hangover, then you need to feed it with a good dose of spinach. This super leafy green veggie is packed with nutrients such as folic acid, sulfur, and vitamin C-all of them help in easing the symptoms of the hangover.
Toast For A Hangover
Eating bland foods such as a toast for your breakfast can help boost the levels of the blood sugar. So, include it for your breakfast if you are having an upset stomach which is caused due to heavy drinking.
Sweet Potatoes A For Hangover
Excessive alcohol intake can wreak havoc on the blood sugar metabolism of your body and hence you need to consume unrefined carbs. Consuming unrefined carbs can help prevent the blood sugar spikes because the liver breaks down the long chain of sugar compounds. So, consume sweet potatoes which are a great source of potassium, B vitamins, beta-carotene, dietary fiber etc.
Tomato Juice A For Hangover
When you had a large vodka shot the previous night, drink a glass of tomato juice the next morning you wake up. Heavy drinking can affect the functioning of the liver as this organ is busy metabolizing the alcohol to maintain the adequate blood sugar level. Because glucose is the vital source of energy to the brain and help reduce fatigue. Drinking a glass of tomato juice can improve the blood sugar levels apart from keeping you hydrated.
Quinoa For A Hangover
This super grain helps in dealing with a hangover. Heavy drinking can deplete the levels of amino acids, which are considered the building blocks of protein. However, quinoa has a good amino acid profile and can help reverse the damage done.
Beetroot For A Hangover
A nasty hangover can reduce your stamina. However, a research study has mentioned that nitric acid in beetroot helps boost your stamina levels. Also, nitric oxide helps in enhancing the blood flow as well as oxygen efficiency and helps in maintaining a normal blood pressure levels.
Broccoli For A Hangover
Broccoli is one such nutrient-dense food which is high in folate and B vitamin which gets depleted after consuming too much of alcohol. Lower levels of such vital nutrients can make you feel lethargic. Also, broccoli contains anti-inflammatory properties that help fight off the oxidative stress which is caused due to heavy drinking.
Salmon For A Hangover
Alcohol depletes the B-complex vitamins in your body, thus making you feel weak. Salmon is high in EPA and DHAs and is an amazing source of biological protein which contains vitamin B12 and all vital amino acids.
Avocado For A Hangover
Excessive drinking can deplete the levels of potassium, an essential electrolyte in your body. It can further lead to dizziness, muscle spasms, weakness etc. Also, it contains a good dose of vitamin B6, fiber, carotenoids, healthy fats, and even helps improve heart functioning, neuromuscular functioning, and keeps sodium away.
Banana For A Hangover
Did you ever feel physically weak after partying all day night? If you are finding it difficult to stand straight or feeling weak after heavy drinking, have a banana to restore the lost potassium levels in your body and improve the functioning of your muscles.
Ginger For A Hangover
Ginger helps in easing few symptoms of a hangover such as nausea. Drinking a small dose of ginger decoction can relieve symptoms such as indigestion, constipation, gas, vomiting etc. So, drink a warm ginger decoction the next day when you are having a severe headache. However, you need to eat something first before drinking this warm decoction.
Eggs For A Hangover
Eggs contain a good dose of cysteine, an amino acid which helps in breaking down the harmful toxins in the body. Also, eggs are considered to be a great source of B vitamins which are helpful in easing the symptoms of a hangover.
Asparagus For A Hangover
Asparagus helps ease symptoms of a hangover and this is due to the extracts and enzymes in it that help in breaking down alcohol after consuming too much of it. Few studies have even mentioned that eating asparagus the next day itself can help treat a hangover.
Best And Worst Foods For A Hangover
Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery

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