Best And Effective Home Remedies For Freckles
Best And Effective Home Remedies For Freckles
Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you Best And Effective Home Remedies For Freckles. This is the Best And Effective Home Remedies For Freckles. So you can check Best And Effective Home Remedies For Freckles Below Here. A freckle is also known as ‘’Ephelis’’. Freckle refers to a small patch on the skin. Freckles are usually circular in shape. Excessive exposure to sunlight is the main cause of freckles. Ephelides and lentigines are two types of freckles. Freckles may result in a change in the skin colour, weight loss, abdominal pain, blood or mucus secretion with stool and so on. Freckles may be an early sign of skin cancer.An individual can use different home remedies to treat freckles.
Natural Home Remedies for Freckles
Radish For Freckles
Regular application of a paste created by mixing grinded radish and sugar on the affected area can help in reducing the freckles. It is advisable to remove this paste after 20 to 30 minutes of the application.
Papaya For Freckles
Application of a paste created by mixing mashed green papaya and honey on the affected area on a daily basis can also help in the treatment of freckles. This paste should be kept applied for 30 minutes and removed with cold water to obtain the desired results.
Tomato For Freckles
Tomato juice can also be directly applied on the affected area to cure freckles. Another alternative is to consume a glass of tomato juice 2 to 3 times in a day. Consumption of raw tomatoes is also recommended.
Turmeric Powder For Freckles
An individual can prepare a paste by mixing turmeric powder (2 tablespoons) with yogurt (1 tablespoon) and apply this paste on the affected area on a daily basis to treat freckles. It is advisable to remove the paste only after 15 to 20 minutes of the application. Massaging the affected area with a mixture of turmeric powder and sesame oil can also provide effective results.
Cucumber For Freckles
An individual can create a solution by mixing cucumber juice (1/4th cup) with milk (2 tablespoons) and apply this solution on the affected area to reduce freckles. A paste created with the use of grated cucumber and yogurt can also be rubbed on the freckles.
Aloe Vera For Freckles
Direct application of aloe vera juice on the affected area on a regular basis can help an individual in dealing with problem of freckles. An individual can also apply a paste created by mixing aloe vera gel and rice water on the affected area to obtain the desired results.
Lemon Juice For Freckles
Lemon juice can be rubbed on the affected area every night before going to bed to reduce the freckle spots. An individual can also apply a mixture of lemon juice and honey on the affected area on a frequent basis to obtain effective results.
Milk Cream For Freckles
An individual can apply sour milk cream on the affected area 2 to 3 times in a day for a period of 1 month to treat freckles. It is advisable to massage the affected area with sour milk cream for a period of 5 to 10 minutes and wash it with warm water.
Onion For Freckles
An individual can rub an onion slice on the affected area several times in a day to reduce freckles.Onion juice can also be applied on the freckles to obtain the desired results.
Best And Effective Home Remedies For Freckles
Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery

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