Best Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids (Piles)

Best Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids (Piles)

Hello Friends, Today i m going to tell you Best Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids (Piles). This is the best way Best Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids (Piles). So you can check Best Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids (Piles) Below Here. Hemorrhoids (Piles) are swollen and inflamed veins in the anus and lower rectum. This could be due to the straining during bowel movement or from the increased pressure on the veins during pregnancy, along with a few other causes. Hemorrhoids can be located both externally or internally, and affect about half of adults over the age of 50.

Ice For Hemorrhoids (Piles)
The first home treatment that is highly recommended is ice. Ice will help constrict the blood vessels, reduce swelling and give you immediate pain relief.

Apply an icepack or a partially melted piece of ice wrapped in a cloth directly on the affected area for about 10 minutes. Do this several times a day until the hemorrhoid goes away.
You can even use a small pack of frozen vegetables such as peas or corn. Wrap the pack in a tea towel and then apply it on the hemorrhoid. Do this for 20 minutes at a time, three times a day.

Lemon Juice For Hemorrhoids (Piles)
Lemon juice contains various nutrients that can give you relief from hemorrhoids by strengthening the capillaries and blood vessel walls.

Saturate a cotton ball with freshly squeezed lemon juice and apply it on the hemorrhoid. Initially there will be some mild tingling or a burning sensation, but relief from the pain will soon follow.
Alternatively, squeeze half a lemon into a cup of hot milk and drink it. Do this every three hours for best results.
Mix one-half teaspoon each of lemon juice, ginger juice, mint juice and honey together. Take this once a day.

Aloe Vera For Hemorrhoids (Piles)
Aloe vera is known for its anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties which help to reduce the itching, inflammation and irritation of hemorrhoids. It is used to treat both internal and external hemorrhoids.

Method – 1: (Internal Hemorrhoids)

Take aloe vera leaf ensuring to cut of the sharp thorns.
Cut the leaves in strips and freeze them.
Apply these to the affected area.
Repeat this regularly to get relief from the hemorrhoids.
Method – 2: (External Hemorrhoids)

Take an aloe vera leaf and extract its gel.
Apply this gel to your anus and slowly massage it on the affected area for few minutes.
Repeat this application of gel to get relief from the external hemorrhoids.

Olive Oil For Hemorrhoids (Piles)
Olive oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties that are used to treat external haemorrhoid. It helps to increase the elasticity of blood vessels to reduce inflammation and shrinks the size of swollen blood vessels in the anal canal.


Consume a teaspoon of olive oil daily.
Alternatively take few plum leaves and crush them to extract the juice.
Mix this with the olive oil and apply to the hemorrhoids.
Repeat this daily.

Garlic For Hemorrhoids (Piles)
When you have hemorrhoids, there are too many things to take care of. The pain, itching, inflammation, burning etc. can be very severe and tamper with your daily life. Garlic is a natural home remedy right from your kitchen that can help in treating hemorrhoid pain and also the inflammation itself.
Garlic is anti inflammatory in nature and has also antibacterial properties that help in preventing infection when you have hemorrhoids. Take 3-4 cloves of garlic and boil it along with two cups of water. Simmer for ten minutes and steep for another ten minutes. Cool and use the water for rinsing the anal region. The water could sting the area initially. But soon the inflammation will subside and you will be relieved of the pain as well.

Sitz Bath For Hemorrhoids (Piles)

Sitz bath helps in healing the hemorrhoid and also in controlling the pain and burning sensation as well. Epsom salt is a healing agent that can be added to the water in the sitz bath. Allow the water to be warm or slightly hot as well and sit for fifteen minutes in a single session.

You may repeat the procedure several times a day for great relief from pain and inflammation. Using a sitz bath regularly will help heal the wound caused due to the hemorrhoid and soon you will feel much better and free from hemorrhoids along with proper diet control.

Coconut Oil For Hemorrhoids (Piles)
Apply coconut oil directly to hemorrhoids, rinse and repeat. In addition to symptoms subsiding, the hemorrhoids should disappear over the course of just a few days.

Witch Hazel For Hemorrhoids (Piles)
An astringent and healing tree, witch hazel is one of the oldest known natural remedies for hemorrhoids. Just soak a pad or cotton ball with witch hazel and apply it to the area.

Apple Cider Vinegar For Hemorrhoids (Piles)
Pure and natural apple cider vinegar is highly beneficial in treating the condition. For external hemorrhoids, take a cotton ball and soak it with apple cider vinegar. Apply it directly on the hemorrhoids for an instant relief. Please note that applying it directly may cause a stinging sensation for some time but that will decrease itching and pain instantly. For internal hemorrhoids, consuming a teaspoon of vinegar with water, may provide relief from pain and bleeding.

Tea tree oil For Hemorrhoids (Piles)
Recent studies revealed the benefits of tea tree oil in reducing inflammation and curing hemorrhoids naturally. Since it is very strong, it should always be diluted by mixing it with a carrier oil. Add one or two drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil like castor oil or sweet almond oil and apply it directly over the inflamed area with the help of a clean cotton swab. Doing this regularly will shrink the hemorrhoids until it cures completely. Other essential oils that may have a healing effect are lavender essential oil and rosemary essential oil.
Best Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids (Piles) Best Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids (Piles) Reviewed by Rakesh on 08:54:00 Rating: 5


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