Superb And Effective Home Remedies For Anorexia

Superb And Effective Home Remedies For Anorexia

One of the best home remedies for anorexia is garlic. It acts as a natural appetite stimulant. Moreover, it helps in the secretion of juices that cleanse the digestive system.

Add 3 to 4 finely chopped garlic cloves to 1 cup of water.
Boil it for a few minutes, then strain the solution.
Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and a pinch of rock salt to it.
Drink this solution twice daily for a few weeks.

Ginger is another simple and effective home remedy for anorexia. It stimulates appetite so that you do not skip your meals. It can also effectively calm your nerves and reduce stress and anxiety.

Take ½ teaspoon of finely chopped ginger and add a pinch of rock salt to it. Consume it 30 minutes prior to meals every day for a couple of weeks.
Another option is to mix ½ teaspoon of ginger paste, a few drops of lemon and a pinch of both asafetida and black pepper powder. Eat it once daily on an empty stomach for a few weeks.
You can also drink a few cups of ginger tea daily.

Eating an apple a day stimulates surge of a protein-digesting enzymes known as pepsin. This is useful in helping digestion.

Orange Juice Therapy
A very quick and effective treatment is orange therapy. All you need to do is to have a glass of orange juice every two hours throughout the day. Follow this for 2-3 days and you will see even the worst digestive system getting into the right form. Remember not to take anything else in between. Basically, this methodology will cleanse the system thoroughly.

Carrot Juice
Mix fresh carrot juice in a glass of lukewarm water and consume every 2 hours. This works just like orange juice. Usually people who cannot digest orange juice should try this home remedy.

Sour Grapes
Extract the juice of sour grapes and add them to flour to make dough for bread. Bake the bread and consume it for a minimum of 15 days to overcome your eating disorder.

Black Pepper and Honey
A fine paste is made with the help of black pepper corns and a teaspoon of honey. This is to be consumed everyday in the morning on empty stomach. Buttermilk with small quantities of black pepper can also be consumed for the growth of the appetite. Likewise the juice of fresh pomegranate sprinkled with little amounts of black pepper will also serve a similar purpose.

The above mentioned natural remedies are sure to cure one off anorexia. They have not only been preached by ancient health ‘gurus’ for ages but have simultaneously stood all tests which today’s medical science has offered them.

Lemon is a citrus fruit and a rich source of vitamin C. Niacin or Vitamin C is considered an appetite booster and is present in large amounts in appetite stimulating tonics prepared for children who are fussy eaters. Prepare a glass of lemonade by squeezing juice of one fresh lemon in a glass of water. Add a teaspoon of honey to the glass and mix well.  

Vegetable soups are also believed to be good appetite stimulators and adding a pinch of black pepper and rock salt to the soups boosts the appetite further. Include plenty of vegetables for preparing the soups. If you are a non-vegetarian then having chicken soup will bolster your appetite.

Use tomatoes in preparation of various foods. Eating raw tomatoes will also help build a good appetite since tomatoes contain chemicals that stimulate the brain the center to send out signals to the body that it is hungry. Tomato soup with a pinch of black pepper is also an effective remedy for anorexia.

Superb And Effective Home Remedies For Anorexia Superb And Effective Home Remedies For Anorexia Reviewed by Rakesh on 07:46:00 Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. Anorexia is an eating disorder such that the patient indulges in excessive dieting for the fear of gaining weight. The main symptoms of anorexia are fatigue, hair loss, depression, constipation and low blood pressure. Although extreme cases need medical consultation, it can generally be treated with Best Home Remedies for Anorexia . They help to improve digestion, increasing appetite and enhance overall body health. The best part of Natural Home Remedies for Anorexia is that they don't have any side effects and are highly effective as well.


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