Natural And Best Home Remedies For Swollen Lymph Nodes

Natural And Best Home Remedies For Swollen Lymph Nodes

Warm Compresses
A time-tested remedy to reduce swelling of the lymph glands is warm compresses. The hot temperature helps increase blood circulation, which in turn reduces swelling as well as pain.

Dip a washcloth in hot water and wring out the excess water.
Place this warm washcloth on the swollen lymph nodes for 5 to 10 minutes.
Repeat a few times daily until the swelling is gone.
You can even wash the swollen area with warm water a few times daily.

Another effective remedy is massaging the lymph nodes. Massage stimulates the lymph nodes to help them function normally. This helps subside the swelling over a period of time. In addition, it will reduce the accumulation of impurities in the nodes.

Using your fingers, gently massage the lymph nodes for about 5 minutes. Do this 2 or 3 times daily until the swelling is gone.
You can also hire a professional to give you a lymph drainage massage.

Castor Oil
Castor oil is an amazing ingredient for your health. This oil can kill ringworms, good for your fine lines and wrinkles, treat acne, scars, improve hair, cure constipation, get rid of joint pain, arthritis, etc. For healing swollen lymph nodes, you can try to use castor oil.

Simply, you rub castor oil on the affected area directly; use a flannel, a plastic bag, a heating pad to cover it.
You also can apply castor oil packs on stomach area and other regions of the body.

Honey is really helpful for treating swollen lymph nodes in neck, ear, and other areas and you can follow this instruction:

You will need a glass of apple cider vinegar, a cup of honey, and some garlic cloves.
Now you combine all the ingredients and store in refrigerator in 5 days.
Then you take some teaspoons of the mixture in every morning before breakfast (you use with juice or fresh water).
Alternatively, you can mix honey, some garlic or onion and store in a jar. Leave the mixture in some weeks before eating every morning.

Echinacea is like a strong antibiotic and it is commonly used in medicine industry. It originally came from North America and it can be sued in insect bites, sore throat, toothache, respiratory infections. Acting as antibiotic, Echinacea is great in fighting bacteria and viruses if you get swollen lymph nodes in neck, ear, or other areas of the body. Drinking Echinacea tea is a good idea for healing the problem:

You need roots, flowers, leaves, or other parts of Echinacea, ½ lemon grass, ½ spearmint leaves, and some stevia leaves.
Mix all the ingredients together; brew it with water for several minutes before tasting it.

Garlic is one among the antibacterial herb that can clean up the internal organs in a human body. The garlic is known for its anti-inflammatory properties that can help in reducing the swelling that happens in the lymph glands. Eat two garlic cloves every day to make your lymph glands stay away from any kind of swelling. You can also garlic in your daily food and it can help your lymph glands to stay away from the bacterias and the viruses.

Cleavers are one among the herb that is known for its lymphatic draining properties. The Cleavers help in stimulating the functions of your lymphatic system and makes them work better than before. This herb helps in cleaning the purifying the blood that circulates around the lymph glands. The cleavers can be used to make a tea.

Black Pepper
Crush four or five peppercorns and mix them with a teaspoon of honey. Consume this mixture twice daily in order to cure all types of infections and to treat swollen glands.

Tulsi Or Holy Basil
Tulsi is widely worshipped all over India and every household has a plant of tulsi to keep the environment pure and free from pollutants.

Natural And Best Home Remedies For Swollen Lymph Nodes Natural And Best Home Remedies For Swollen Lymph Nodes Reviewed by Rakesh on 02:03:00 Rating: 5

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