Best Effective Health Benefits of Basil

Best Effective Health Benefits of Basil 

Treats Common Colds
Basil leaves can be used in the treatment of fever and common cold. Chew some fresh basil leaves for relief from colds and flus. During the rainy season, when there is risk of malaria and dengue fever, try to consume tender leaves of basil after boiling it in water. This will help you to keep yourself safe from these kinds of fever. When suffering from acute fever, a decoction of the basil leaves boiled with powdered cardamom in one cup of water must be consumed several times a day. The juice of basil leaves can be used to bring down high temperature.

Relieves Cough
Basil is a key ingredient in cough syrups and expectorants. But instead of buying those, you can make a home remedy that works just as well. Add eight basil leaves and five cloves to a cup of water and boil it for 10 minutes. You can add some salt for taste. Allow it to cool and then drink it to relieve coughing. For sore throat due to a cough, gargle with water boiled with basil leaves. Various compounds in basil help mobilize mucus, so it is also an effective treatment for other respiratory problems such as bronchitis and asthma.

Boost Immune System
Eating fresh basil leaves regularly will give your immune system a boost. Studies show that the various chemical compounds in basil may improve the body’s production of infection-fighting antibodies by up to 20 percent. For best results, use fresh basil rather than dried versions.

Basil contains polyphenolic flavonoids such as vicenin and orientin. These compounds are found to have anti-oxidant protection against oxidation of lipid caused by radiation.
•    Eat fresh basil leaves  regularly to get best anti- oxidant effect
•     The anti-oxidant effect helps to prevent the bad effects of free radicals on health including preventing cancer.

This herb is an important constituent of cough syrups and expectorants. The various compounds present in basil mobilize the mucous. It is an effective treatment for curing bronchitis and asthma.
How To Use?
•     Boil a cup of water with 8-10 basil leaves and five cloves for about 10 minutes. Allow this to cool and consume it to get relief from cough.
•    For sore throat due to cough, gargle using the water in which basil leaves are boiled.

Stress Buster
Basil leaves also are regarded as an anti-stress agent. Various studies have shown that the leaves provide significant protection against stress. Health experts recommend chewing 10 to 12 leaves of basil, twice a day, to prevent feeling stressed and developing stress-related disorders. Chewing the leaves daily can also help purify your blood.

Healing Properties
Due to their excellent healing properties, basil leaves strengthen the stomach and facilitate copious perspiration. They are effective in removing catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tube. Basil leaves have antiseptic properties and are hence, used in the treatment of ulcers, cuts and wounds. They help in reducing the pain caused by measles, chicken pox and small pox. A mixture of basil leaves juice and coconut oil can be applied on cuts and wounds to give relief.

Treatment of Sore Throat
A concoction made by boiling basil leaves in water can be taken as a drink or used for gargling to get relief from sore throat.

Beneficial for Children
The juice of basil leaves is extremely beneficial in case of common pediatric such as cough, cold, diarrhea and vomiting. Basil leaves taken with saffron hasten the appearance of chicken pox pustules. Children experiencing loose motion at the time of tooth eruption can be given a mixture of pomegranate juice and powder of dried basil leaves for quick relief.

Protects the heart
Tulsi has a powerful anti-oxidant component called Eugenol. This compound helps protect the heart by keeping one’s blood pressure under control and lowering his/her cholesterol levels. Chewing a few leaves of tulsi on an empty stomach everyday can both prevent and protect any heart ailments.

Dissolves kidney stones
The holy basil being a great diuretic and detoxifier is great for the kidneys. Tulsi helps reduce the uric acid levels in the blood (one of the main reasons for kidney stones is the presence of excess uric acid in the blood), helps cleanse the kidneys, the presence of acetic acid and other components in its essential oils helps in breaking down kidney stones and its painkiller effect helps dull down the pain of kidney stones. To relieve kidney stones one must have the juice of tulsi leaves with honey, every day for six months to help wash out the stone from the kidney.

Weight loss
Sabja seeds can be used for weight management purposes. It is full of fiber that makes your stomach full and don’t feel hunger to a certain period of time. After soaking into water, it has the ability to expand 30 times of its original sides thus reduces longing for eating more.

The seeds contain adequate amount of vitamin K, protein and iron. These nutrients are helpful to make your hair healthy and shining. So, it is suggested to include it in your daily diet requirements to skip embarrassment from hair loss and baldness.

Best Effective Health Benefits of Basil Best Effective Health Benefits of Basil Reviewed by Rakesh on 02:48:00 Rating: 5

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