Best Power Foods That Boost Immunity

Best Power Foods That Boost Immunity

Probiotics, or the "live active cultures" found in yogurt, are healthy bacteria that keep the gut and intestinal tract free of disease-causing germs. Although they're available in supplement form, a study from the University of Vienna in Austria found that a daily 7-ounce dose of yogurt was just as effective in boosting immunity as popping pills. In an 80-day Swedish study of 181 factory employees, those who drank a daily supplement of Lactobacillus reuteri—a specific probiotic that appears to stimulate white blood cells—took 33% fewer sick days than those given a placebo. Any yogurt with a "Live and Active Cultures" seal contains some beneficial bugs, but Stonyfield Farm is the only US brand that contains this specific strain.

Oats and Barley

These grains contain beta-glucan, a type of fiber with antimicrobial and antioxidant capabilities more potent than echinacea, reports a Norwegian study. When animals eat this compound, they're less likely to contract influenza, herpes, even anthrax; in humans, it boosts immunity, speeds wound healing, and may help antibiotics work better.

Most people turn to vitamin C after they've caught a cold. But did you know it tops the chart of foods that keep your immune system running at 100 percent? Vitamin C is thought to increase the production of white blood cells. These are key to fighting infections.

Because your body doesn't produce or store it, daily intake of vitamin C is essential for continued health. Almost all citrus fruits are high in vitamin C and with such a variety to choose from it's easy to add a squeeze of C to any meal.

Red Bell Peppers

Think citrus fruits have the most vitamin C of any fruit or vegetable? Think again. Ounce for ounce, red bell peppers have twice as much vitamin C, as well as being a rich source of beta-carotene. Vitamin C may help maintain healthy skin and beta-carotene helps keep your eyes and skin healthy.


Broccoli is super-charged with an arsenal of vitamins and minerals. Packed with vitamins A, C, and E, as well as numerous antioxidants, broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables you can put on your table. The key to keeping its power intact is to cook it as little as possible — or better yet, not at all!

Red or Pink Grapefruit
Grapefruit is packed with vitamin C, making it an immune-boosting essential. The red and pink varieties are especially good choices because, as their rosy color indicates, they’re packed with bioflavonoids, which are phytonutrients. These naturally-occurring compounds cause beneficial reactions in the body, including an added immunity boost, Craggs-Dino says. Halve a grapefruit, broil it for just a minute or two, and dust it with cinnamon, another immunity booster.

Carrots are an excellent source of beta carotene, which gives them their bright color. One of beta carotene’s jobs is to support the body’s mucus membrane, which lines the respiratory and intestinal tracts, making it harder for bacteria to enter the bloodstream and cause trouble. For a healthy diet, enjoy raw carrots along with cauliflower, broccoli, and other veggies as an appetizer. You can also pickle them or steam and puree them with some broth for a rich soup — a soothing meal when you’re sick.

This potent onion relative contains the active ingredient allicin, which fights infection and bacteria. British researchers gave 146 people either a placebo or a garlic extract for 12 weeks; the garlic takers were two-thirds less likely to catch a cold. Other studies suggest that garlic lovers who chow more than six cloves a week have a 30 percent lower rate of colorectal cancer and a 50 percent lower rate of stomach cancer.

Avocado is a great food for reducing stress. Many studies focus on stress and how it affects the body. We know that stress can lower immunity and which can make you more susceptible to infectious disease. In 1998, M.R. Sapolsky wrote a book called Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers: An Updated Guide to Stress-Related Disease, and Coping. In it, he sums up a major issue with the stresses that modern people face: “[S]tress-related disease emerges, predominantly, out of the fact that we so often activate a physiological system that has evolved for responding to acute physical emergencies, but we turn it on for months on end, worrying about mortgages, relationships, and promotions.” Additionally, a 1991 study called “Stress and Infectious Disease in Humans” points out that “stress is associated with… increased onset and reactivation of verified infectious disease.”

Spinach is full of vitamin C and is also rich in antioxidants and beta-carotene, which help fight infections in the immune system. Cook spinach as little as possible in order to help it retain its nutrients.
One mineral that can support immune function in zinc. According to, zinc is “a potent immunostimulant, and its deficiency can result in profound suppression of T-cell function.” Eating zinc in whole foods like spinach is an excellent way to support your immune system.


Daily consumption of honey has been found to strengthen the immune system. Its antioxidant, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties help fight infections from viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
Honey also can improve your digestive system, treat acid reflux, soothe a sore throat, treat a nasty cough, improve blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity, and heal wounds and scars quickly.

Start each day with one teaspoon of honey along with a glass of lukewarm water to enjoy its numerous health benefits.

Note: Honey should never be given to children under age 1.

Green Tea
Green tea is the best drink known to boost the immune system. It introduces a type of flavonoid called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) into the body that helps fight bacteria and prevent viruses from multiplying.
It also has many powerful antioxidants that help protect against viruses, bacteria and other micro-organisms that can cause health problems.

Regular consumption of green tea also will help prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, periodontal disease, and osteoporosis. Enjoy a soothing cup of green tea several times a day. Do not add milk, as it will make the tea less effective for this purpose.

Best Power Foods That Boost Immunity Best Power Foods That Boost Immunity Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery on 09:16:00 Rating: 5

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