Powerful Natural Remedies For A Sinus Infection

Powerful Natural Remedies For A Sinus Infection

Flush your nasal passages
“There is a lot of debate about which sinus pain remedies work and what has been proven, but saline spray and washes like the neti pot are indisputable,” says Spencer C. Payne, MD, an associate professor of rhinology and endoscopic sinus surgery at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. A saline wash thins mucus and helps flush it out of the nasal passages. “Saline washes have been studied and proven to be effective, and should be the first line of defense against sinusitis,” says Dr. Payne. If you have sinus problems, Payne recommends daily use of a saline solution via the neti pot or other device to keep the sinuses moist, and to double up when you are fighting a cold or allergies.

In addition, some evidence suggests that Dead Sea salt irrigations and sprays are as effective as topical nasal steroids for sinusitis. A study in a 2012 issue of the International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology found that Dead Sea salt sprays provide improvement in symptoms and quality of life for people with sinusitis, and appear to be as effective as steroids and other saline solutions.

Try bromelain
Sold as a supplement, bromelain is a protein found in pineapple stems and has been used by prize fighters to reduce swelling for years. Some research suggests bromelain can also speed recovery of acute sinusitis. “Bromelain appears to be beneficial and helps reduce swelling in the nasal passages,” says Robert Graham, MD, MPH, an internist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. Just be sure to talk to your doctor first, as bromelain may interact with any other medications you’re taking. And be sure to follow exact dosing instructions.

During infection eat in moderation, with an emphasis on whole grains, beans, lentils, lightly cooked vegetables, soups, and cold-pressed oils. Avoid mucus-forming foods such as, flour products, eggs, chocolate, fried and processed foods, sugar and dairy products. Drink plenty of pure quality water.

Include cayenne pepper, garlic, onion, and horseradish in your soups and meals, to help dissolve and eliminate excess mucus. According to the self-care guide, Prescription for Natural Cures, a powerful drainage remedy is to eat a small spoonful of crushed horseradish mixed with lemon juice, but make sure to be near a sink when your nose starts running. Japanese horseradish in the form of Wasabi paste taken with meals can also provide a quick release to the nasal passages. Just remember, “a little dab will do ya.”

Neti pot
Dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in 2 cups of warm water. Standing over a sink fill the neti pot with one cup of water and place the tip of the spout into one nostril. Tilt your head to the side and allow the water to run out through the opposite nostril. Careful not to tilt your head back and up or the water will reroute down your throat. Refill the neti pot and repeat with the other nostril.

Apple cider vinegar
At the first sign of infection combine 1-2 teaspoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in 6 ounces of water, a teaspoon of raw honey or stevia to sweeten and drink 3 times a day for 5 days. The apple cider vinegar helps to thin congested mucus, so it can be easily eliminated.

Stay hydrated
Number one rule when you’re sick: Drink plenty of fluids. The same goes for when you have sinus trouble. Hydration helps the body in numerous ways, and is good for sore sinuses. The Mayo Clinic recommends drinking a lot of water to, “help dilute mucous secretions and promote drainage.” But they also warn: “Avoid beverages that contain caffeine or alcohol, as they can be dehydrating. Drinking alcohol can also worsen the swelling of the lining of the sinuses and nose.”

Commence compressing
A hot compress across your sinuses will help to relieve pain. The American Academy of Otolaryngology recommends alternating a hot compress for three minutes with a cold compress for 30 seconds. Repeat three times per treatment, and do it two to six times a day.
And last but not least, a word to the wise. Get thee to a doctor immediately if you have symptoms that may be a sign of a serious infection, including: Pain or swelling around your eyes: swollen forehead; severe headache; confusion; double vision or other vision changes; stiff neck; or shortness of breath.

Powerful Natural Remedies For A Sinus Infection Powerful Natural Remedies For A Sinus Infection Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery on 18:44:00 Rating: 5

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