Best Health Benefits of Cardamom

Best Health Benefits of Cardamom

Improves Digestion
Cardamom has carminative properties that help in the digestion process. It reduces flatulence and bloating and helps treat colic and stomach cramping. Plus, it increases bile flow, which in turn improves digestion of fats as well as other nutrients.

All this makes cardamom an ideal solution for a host of digestive problems, such as constipation, dysentery, acidity, indigestion and different types of stomach infections.

To use cardamom for digestive problems, you can consume the seeds plain, sprinkle ground cardamom on your food or go for a healthy cup of cardamom tea. As cardamom seeds have a pungent, sweet flavor most people like it, including children.

Beats Bad Breath
Packed with antibacterial properties, cardamom can easily fight the germs that cause bad breath. Plus, it has a strong flavor and a pleasant smell that can beat bad breath. Also, oil extracted from cardamom seeds contains compounds that kill the bacteria causing bad breath and other infections.

Simply chew on a pod of cardamom after every meal or whenever you need to freshen up your breath. Also, you can drink some cardamom tea or rinse your mouth with lukewarm cardamom tea twice daily. It will work as an effective antiseptic mouth rinse.

Cardamom is an antispasmodic spice which can help you in getting rid of hiccups. It provides relief from involuntary muscle spasms, like intestinal and stomach cramps

Cardamoms are known to detoxify the body. They are rich in minerals and vitamins like Vitamin A, B, C, niacin, riboflavin etc. It is a great blood purifier and removes excess urea, calcium and other toxins from the kidney. This is specially a home remedy used post delivery

Many of the phytonutrients, vitamins and essential oils which are present in cardamom act as antioxidants. This magical spice helps in cleaning up the free radicals and tends to resist cellular aging

Teeth And Gums
Again in Asian folk medicine, cardamom has been used for hundreds of years for alleviating the symptoms of tooth and gum infections. Simply ingesting a daily drink with at least half a teaspoon of ground cardamom added is enough to access the antiseptic properties of this wonder spice.

Cardamom lowers cholesterol and prevents coronary heart disease – 
The detoxifying and diuretic effects of the cardamom also help this spice become a blessing to your bloodstream and thus to your heart, which will deal with less cholesterol and will be able to function easier as a consequence. It is also known to prevent the formation of blood clots and to help fluidize the blood.

Relieves Acidity
The essential oils in elaichi strengthen the mucosal lining of the stomach and also increase the amount of saliva you secrete. When you chew the pod, it releases a slew of essential oils that stimulate your salivary glands which in turn stimulates your stomach lining to work better. It also improves your appetite and reduces the amount of acidity you experience by imparting a cooling sensation to reduce the burning you feel during an attack of acidity.

Alleviates Symptoms Of Respiratory Illnesses
Cardamom increases circulation of blood within your lungs thereby aiding in relieving the symptoms of breathing problems like asthma, cold and cough. In Ayurveda, elaichi is known as a warm spice, which heats up the body internally, helping in the expulsion of phlegm and relieving chest congestion.

Regularises your heart rate
Packed with minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium, cardamom is a gold mine for essential electrolytes. One of the main components of your blood, body fluids and cells is potassium. With its abundant supply of this essential mineral ealichi helps regularise your heart rate and keeps your blood pressure under control. Before to get to the solution.

Fights anaemia
Another major component of elaichi is copper, iron and essential vitamins like riboflavin, vitamin C and niacin. Known for its immense importance in the production of red blood cells and cellular metabolism, copper, riboflavin, vitamin C and niacin in addition to iron are great to fight anaemia and relieve the symptoms that one experiences due to the condition.

Potential Cancer-Fighter
Some studies have shown that adding cardamom to the diet is able to reduce colorectal cancer by 48%. The finding brought hope to those fighting this kind of cancer, and is encouraging news for people who prefer natural healing methods over more conventional ones.

Other supporting research has found that the spice can help regulate gene activity in skin cancer cells. while also lessening the activity of genes associated with cancer growth.

Protects Against Food Poisoning
Every so often, there’s news of a serious food poisoning outbreak. In most cases, people become weak and nauseated, but in other cases the results are more devastating.

However, testing on cardamom has revealed that its oils contain infection-fighting properties that ward off the harmful microbes that often cause of food poisoning. The growth and spread of these microbes are halted due to its cardamom’s antimicrobial properties.

Best Health Benefits of Cardamom Best Health Benefits of Cardamom Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery on 08:57:00 Rating: 5

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