Best Tips to Protect Your Skin This Winter

Best Tips to Protect Your Skin This Winter

Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you Best Tips to Protect Your Skin This Winter. This is the best way Best Tips to Protect Your Skin This Winter. So you can check Best Tips to Protect Your Skin This Winter Below Here. For many people, the cold clear days of winter bring more than just a rosy glow to the cheeks. They also bring uncomfortable dryness to the skin of the face, hands, and feet. For some people, the problem is worse than just a general tight, dry feeling: They get skin so dry it results in flaking, cracking, even eczema (in which the skin becomes inflamed).

"As soon as you turn the heat on indoors, the skin starts to dry out," Bonnie LaPlante, an esthetician with the Canyon Ranch resort in Lenox, Mass., tells WebMD. "It doesn't matter if you heat your home using oil, wood, or electricity. The skin gets dry."

Sound familiar? Read on to get WebMD's top 10 tips for boosting your winter skin care regimen, so that your skin stays moist and healthy through the winter months.

1. Lukewarm Showers

The root of most of the problems your skin faces in winter can be chalked up to one thing – dehydration. While drenching your body in hot water may feel amazing in the cold weather, it actually does your skin more harm than good. The heat from the water will cause your pores to open up. And it will, in turn, result in moisture loss that will leave your skin feeling dry and painful. You can save yourself this pain by taking lukewarm showers that will help retain the moisture levels and natural oils of your skin. It would also be a good idea to use a mild soap or one that has hydrating properties to keep it from drying out your skin.

2. Seek a Specialist
If you go to your local drugstore, you'll be hard put to find a salesperson who can give you good advice. That's why going to an esthetician or dermatologist even once is a good investment. Such a specialist can analyze your skin type, troubleshoot your current skin care regimen, and give you advice on the skin care products you should be using.

But that doesn't mean you'll be stuck buying high-end products. "Inexpensive products work just as well as high-end ones," says David Voron, MD, a dermatologist in Arcadia, Calif. "In fact, the extra price you pay for the expensive stuff is often just for packaging and marketing. What's most important is how your skin responds to the product -- and how you like its feel, not how much money you paid for it."

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3.Slather on the Sunscreen
No, sunscreen isn't just for summertime. Winter sun -- combined with snow glare -- can still damage your skin. Try applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen to your face and your hands (if they're exposed) about 30 minutes before going outside. Reapply frequently if you stay outside a long time.

4. Bundle Up
Sweaters are the truest of your friends during winter. Covering yourself up from head to toe is vital to keeping your skin healthy. The less your skin is exposed to the cold, the less dry it will get. For areas such as your face and neck, you can use a scarf to minimize exposure. It would be a good idea to get a warm pair of gloves and a beanie to keep your hands and hair protected this winter. Try to avoid open-toed footwear as much as possible, and wear socks whenever you can.

5. Give Your Hands a Hand
The skin on your hands is thinner than on most parts of the body and has fewer oil glands. That means it's harder to keep your hands moist, especially in cold, dry weather. This can lead to itchiness and cracking. Wear gloves when you go outside; if you need to wear wool to keep your hands warm, slip on a thin cotton glove first, to avoid any irritation the wool might cause.

6. Eat Healthy And Keep Yourself Hydrated
It is when the weather is cold that the cravings for hot, unhealthy foods kick in. Not having a balanced diet and loading up on junk food can cause the health of your skin to deteriorate. Your skin is also more likely to be susceptible to the effects of the cold when it isn’t getting enough moisture from within. To battle this, it is important to keep yourself hydrated through the day. Because of the cold, your body does not feel the urge to drink as much water as usual. Keep reminding yourself to drink so that you can keep your skin hydrated from within.

7. Avoid Wet Gloves and Socks
Wet socks and gloves can irritate your skin and cause itching, cracking, sores, or even a flare-up of eczema

8. Hook Up the Humidifier
Central heating systems (as well as space heaters) blast hot dry air throughout our homes and offices. Humidifiers get more moisture in the air, which helps prevent your skin from drying out. Place several small humidifiers throughout your home; they help disperse the moisture more evenly.

9. CTM And Exfoliate
If you don’t already follow the CTM mantra (cleanse, tone, and moisturize), it is time to start. It is important to properly cleanse, tone, and moisturize all through the year to keep your skin healthy and hydrated. It is also important to exfoliate your skin, especially during the winter months. The dead skin cells start to accumulate on the top layer of your skin, keeping any moisture from entering. To remedy this, use an exfoliating mask or scrub twice a week on your face, hands, and lips. Moisturize immediately after you do this. Your skin will look and feel much better.

10. Hydrate for Your Health, Not for Your Skin
If you've heard it once, you've heard it a thousand times: Drinking water helps your skin stay young looking. In fact, it's a myth. Water is good for your overall health and "the skin of someone who is severely dehydrated will benefit from fluids. But the average person's skin does not reflect the amount of water being drunk," Kenneth Bielinski, MD, a dermatologist in Oak Lawn, Ill., tells WebMD "It's a very common misconception."

LaPlante agrees. "I see clients at the spa who drink their 10 to 12 glasses of water a day and still have superdry skin. It just doesn't do that much.

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Best Tips to Protect Your Skin This Winter Best Tips to Protect Your Skin This Winter Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery on 08:40:00 Rating: 5

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