How to Treat Chikungunya Naturally

How to Treat Chikungunya Naturally

Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you How to Treat Chikungunya Naturally.This is the best way to Treat Chikungunya Naturally. So you can check How to Treat Chikungunya Naturally Below Here. How to use home remedies to treat chikungunya effectively? Is it accurate to say that you are taking treatment for Chikungunya? Then again, would you say you are a sound individual and need to forestall Chikungunya through and through? Aversion is constantly superior to cure! What’s more the same applies to the disease that causes extreme joint pains and gastrointestinal infections.

High fever, joint pain, migraine, queasiness and skin rash usually go with Chikungunya. In any case, then there are sure basic eating methodology tips that can help assuage these symptoms and quicken your recuperation from Chikungunya!

Certainties About Chikungunya:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention distinguishes Chikungunya is a type of viral infection, Mosquitoes of the Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti  types  are known to spread them. The examination is still on to discover the right cure for Chikungunya. Specialists usually suggest a mixture of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and fever-lessening drugs to treat symptoms of the condition.

Symptoms of Chikungunya
The disease has many signs and symptoms but the most important and debilitating symptoms are fever and severe joint pain. The symptoms of the disease start showing after 4 to 8 days of biting the infected Aedes mosquitoes. Some symptoms remained for a long time, especially joint pain. Few of the important symptoms of the dreaded diseases are:

Acute joint pain
Muscular pain

Best home remedies for Chikungunya
Try these effective natural home remedies to reduce the ferocity of fever and joint pain to certain extent.
The combination of honey and lime juice is helpful in this case.
The application of garlic paste in the joint regions is helpful to ease joint pain.
The mix of honey (1tsp), warm water (200gram) and celery seeds (3gram) is useful.
Eating and crunching carrot is helpful to ease joint pain.
Grapes and Cow milk is beneficial in chikungunya.
The juice of papaya is good during the disease.
The light massage at the joint region is helpful.
Stew peppers are rich in anti-inflammatory properties, may be taken to subsidise pain.
Vitamin C and leafy green vegetables should be preferred.
Easily digestible food should consume
Use ginger and turmeric frequently in your diet.
Give much more thrust upon liquid diet
Coconut water is quite beneficial in such cases.
The drinking of wheat grass juice is helpful to ease the various symptoms.
Drink fresh fruit juice

Ayurveda for chikungunya treatment
Boiled water (1 litre), Tulsi leaves (10) and coriander powder (10gram) for 10 minutes followed by cool it. Consume it after the interval of three hours for the whole day to ease the symptoms of chikungunya.
Its fever can be managed by taking Tribhuvan Kriti (125-250mg) twice a day for 5 days.
Vettumarana Vati (125-250 mg) may be taken twice a day for 7days, is also helpful to control its symptoms.
Take Ashvagandha powder (5gm) with milk to overcome fever.

Yoga for chikungunya prevention
For chikungunya patients, practicing of Pranayama and doing some light loosening yogic exercises is helpful.
Practice Sitali and Sheetkari Pranayama to minimize the severity of fever.
To ease joint pain, one should practice loosening yogic exercises like to and fro of toes, up and down of wrists to by straightening your legs and hands respectively.
Practice of Chandrabehdi Pranayama is good to reduce fever.
Nadishodhan Pranayama is also helpful.
In Naturopathy, hot fermentation of the affected joints is beneficial.
Application of ice cold pack over the forehead.
Rub your body lightly with soaked water cloth to reduce fever.
Consult your nearby Naturopathy physicians for better management of the disease.

Unani for chikungunya treatment
Unani medicine is good in the prevention and management of chikungunya fever.
Habb-e-lkseer Bukhar (2 pills) with lukewarm twice a day is good to reduce fever.
Unani medicine like Habb-e-Asgand (2 pills), twice a day is helpful in reducing fever of chikungunya.
In such case, the immunity level of a person gets reduce, for that one should take Khamira Marwareed (4gram) twice a day.
Unani repellent like Raughan-i-neem and Raughan-i-Kameela  can be used on the skin.

Homeopathy remedy for chikungunya fever
Homeopathy medicine is beneficial in curing of chikungunya fever. After consultation with the physicians, one can take Homeopathy medicines as per the symptoms.

Eupatorium perfolatum: This homeopathic medicine is effective for all the symptoms of chikungunya fever.
Rhus toxicodendron: Fever, joint pain and restlessness
China officinalis: Fever and headache
Pyroginum: Fever with sweating
Arnica Montana: severity of pain
Arsenic album: Septic fever
Gelsemium, Sulphur, Bryonia and Aconite nepllus are good for fever

Siddha treatment for chikungunya
Siddha medicines are useful in the treatment and management of chikungunya fever. After the consultation of Siddha doctor, following Siddha medicine can be taken. Arumuga chendooram, Nilvembu kudineer, Amukkara Chooranam, Vishnu chakkara mathirai, Trikadugu choornam, Linga chendooram, Bramanandha bairavam, etc.

Chikungunya prevention
We all know the proverbs ‘prevention is better than cure’ is appropriately suited for this disease. Here, some of the preventive measures are given to control chikungunya.

It is suggested to take maximum rest.
Take more and more fluids to prevent dehydration.
Insecticides should spread regularly.
Fogging of the area should be frequent.
Advised to wear cloth like full sleeves and long pants or trousers to protect your body from mosquito exposure.
Repellent can be used.
 It is quite effective if repellents contain DEET (N, N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide), IR3535 (3-[N-acetyl-N-butyl]-aminopropionic acid ethyl ester) or icaridin (1-piperidinecarboxylic acid, 2-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-methylpropylester).
Using nets should be encouraged.
One can take medicine like paracetamol to reduce fever after consultation with your physician.
Don’t take aspirin.
Avoid cold food items.

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How to Treat Chikungunya Naturally How to Treat Chikungunya Naturally Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery on 08:58:00 Rating: 5

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