Best Health Benefits and Uses of Pumpkin Seeds for Hair, Skin and Weight Loss

Best Health Benefits and Uses of Pumpkin Seeds for Hair, Skin and Weight Loss

Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you Best Health Benefits and Uses of Pumpkin Seeds for Hair, Skin and Weight Loss. This is the best way Best Health Benefits and Uses of Pumpkin Seeds for Hair, Skin and Weight Loss. So you can check Best Health Benefits and Uses of Pumpkin Seeds for Hair, Skin and Weight Loss Below Here. Whether your skin and hair seem lackluster or you are suffering from tummy troubles or your immunity is at an all-time low, pumpkin seeds can come to your rescue. Pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbita pepo) were first discovered by Mexican archaeologists back in 7,000 B.C. Traditionally, these seeds were used to treat tapeworm infections, and urinary and prostate problems.

It’s not surprising that pumpkin seeds are called superfoods. These minuscule seeds contain numerous essential minerals like zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, and manganese. They are rich in antioxidants and provide generous quantities of vitamins E and A, and contain essential vitamins including vitamin K and B. They also contain adequate doses of sodium and potassium.

Pumpkin seeds are also known as ‘Kaddu Ka Beeja’ in Hindi, ‘Gummadikaya ginjalu’ in Telugu, ‘Pucani Vitaikal’ in Tamil, ‘Kumbalakayi Binjagalu’ in Kannada, ‘mathangayile Kuru’ in Malayalam, ‘Bhopala Biya’ in Marathi, ‘kola’ in Gujarati, and ‘Kumror Beej’ in Bengali. Pumpkin seeds are nutritional powerhouses that offer myriad benefits for the skin, hair, and overall physiological well-being.

Benefits of pumpkin seeds
As far as health benefits are concerned, pumpkin seeds are full of fiber and known for many surprising health benefits. These seeds are used in making many recipes, cookies and dishes.

Pumpkin seeds for weight loss: Pumpkin seeds are full of fiber, which discourage more eating because of giving the feeling of full stomach. One cup of its seeds has about 600 calories, thus it fulfills your calorie intake to a greater extent of your body. Not only this, it also boosts your fiber intake. Therefore, the regular use of such seeds helps to control as well as management of weight.

Pumpkin seeds for hair: Pumpkin seeds are enriched in protein, essential amino acids,   iron, magnesium and copper. All these important nutrients help your hair health, hair growth and hair shining. If you are having hair problems like hair loss, hair fall, etc., it is suggested to have pumpkin seeds in your daily requirements to counter such problems. How they work?:  (i). Proteins and  essential amino acids like arginine, glutamic acids and lysine are good for your hair health and also prevent breakage of hair. (ii). Content of iron is responsible for hair strengthening and hair growth. (iii). Magnesium makes your hair strong and healthy. (iv). Massage your scalp with its oil, which easily absorbed and makes your hair follicles stronger. (v).The roasted seeds contain copper which have melanin stimulating properties that lead to make your hair dark. (vi). The adequate amount of fatty acids are good in making your hair strong and hydrated and also prevent dry and dullness.

Pumpkin seeds for healthy skin: Pumpkin seeds are beneficial to control many skin related diseases. How they work? :  (i), The presence of fatty acid like oleic acid and linoleum acid ensures to make your skin glowing. Such acids also make your skins hydrated and moist.  (ii). The seeds oil prevents clogging of skin pores thereby helpful to make your skin refreshing and rejuvenating. It also acts against dryness and dullness of skin. (iii). The antioxidants keep your skin fair and smooth.

Pumpkin seeds for cardiac heath: One quarter of pumpkin seeds has 50% of recommended daily requirement of magnesium. How they work? (i). Magnesium is beneficial in for heart. It prevents sudden cardiac arrest, heart attack and strokes. Magnesium also maintains BP and regulates metabolic reactions in the body. (ii). The presence of arginine amino acid ensures healthy heart. (iii). Omega fatty acids prevent cardiac complications.

Pumpkin seeds for sexual heath: Eating pumpkin seeds make your’s sexual life enjoyable. How they work? (i). It has vital amino acid known as arginine, which has power to make your sexual life pleasant. (ii). It increases your sperm count because of lycopene pigment.

Pumpkin seeds for diabetes treatment: Pumpkin seeds are effective in controlling the sugar level thus helpful in diabetes treatment. Method: (i). Take 2 tbsp of Pumpkin seeds and boil it in 1 litre of water until it becomes half. Now, strain and cool it and drink like as tea. Magnesium presence helps to regulate metabolism thus directly or indirectly control sugar.

Pumpkin seeds for kidney stone: Make the tea of pumpkin seeds. Strain and sip it twice or thrice a day. Being a diuretic in nature, it is helpful for kidney stone, infection in the urinary tract and overall health of kidney.

Pumpkin seeds cure Marasmus and Kwashiorkor: Pumpkin seeds having some important amino acids, which are essentially important to cure protein deficiency diseases like Marasmus and Kwashiorkor.

Pumpkin seeds are good source for vitamin B-complex: It is one of few seeds which has better amount of vitamin B-complex. Many important B-Complex vitamins like niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid are part of it.

Nutritional values of Pumpkin seeds: The nutritional facts of pumpkin seeds are: It is loaded with protein, essential fatty acid, vitamins, and minerals.  It has good amount of vitamin B-complex like niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid. The seeds are good source of arginine, tryptophan, glutamic acids and lysine. It contains magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper and manganese. It is enriched in essential fatty acids like oleic acid and linoleum acid.

Pumpkin seeds uses
Roasted and dried pumpkin seeds are used as snacks, soups and sauces.
It is used to make sprouts.
It’s oil is generally used in cooking, especially by the people of West African nations.
It is used in making of tea that helpful in management of diabetes.
It is used in salads and fried rice.
Sandwiches are also made of it.
It can be consumed as soup.
It is used in making of sweet dishes.
It is the part of bread and cookies.

Side-effects of pumpkin seeds
One should take some precautions while eating pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds should be chewed properly otherwise it will come out intact along with your fecal matter. Its seeds tea shouldn’t be taken in excess quantity as it may drag you in kidney infection and its associated problems.

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Best Health Benefits and Uses of Pumpkin Seeds for Hair, Skin and Weight Loss Best Health Benefits and Uses of Pumpkin Seeds for Hair, Skin and Weight Loss Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery on 07:51:00 Rating: 5

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