Best Health Benefit of Knitting

Best Health Benefit of Knitting

Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you Best Health Benefit of Knitting. This is the Best Health Benefit of Knitting. So you can check Best Health Benefit of Knitting Below Here. Learning how to knit might not be at the top of your fall to-do list, but it should be. Not just for your grandmother anymore, knitting has a wide variety of benefits beyond having something comfy to wear/snuggle/give away at the end of the process.

Plus, you don’t have to use that scratchy wool yarn. There are plenty of really soft brands of yarn that you can use.

1. Boosts self-esteem
The act of creating tangible, useful and beautiful products enhances self esteem. Just think about how amazing you feel when you give someone that handmade item you worked so diligently to create!

2. Lowers heart rate and blood pressure
We all know crocheting helps us relax, but while it’s reducing the harmful cortisol levels, it’s simultaneously lowering heart rate and blood pressure. That’s what we call a win-win.

3. Improved math skills
Did you know the process of following instructions on complex craft projects can improve a child’s math skills? It’s true! We’ll take any and all advice to help our kiddos math grades improve!

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4. Quit smoking
Think about it, for so many smokers, they continue the habit because it keeps their hands busy. Take away the cigarette and replace it with some yarn and a crochet hook, and watch as their bad habit disappears and is replaced with a fulfilling activity.

5. Reduced mindless snacking
With the same idea as smoker’s quitting, when we give our hands something else to do, we’re better able to keep our hands out of the bag of potato chips or bowl of candy we’re mindlessly snacking.

6. Helps stave off memory loss
A reduced chance of developing mild cognitive impairment, memory loss and reduction in brain function is a big winner in our books and more reason to keep at this habit for many, many more years.

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Best Health Benefit of Knitting Best Health Benefit of Knitting Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery on 18:52:00 Rating: 5

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