Dengue Fever: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment

Dengue Fever: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment

Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you Dengue Fever: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment. This is the best way Dengue Fever: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment. So you can check Dengue Fever: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment Below Here. Dengue (pronounced DENgee) fever is a painful, debilitating mosquito-borne disease caused by any one of four closely related dengue viruses. These viruses are related to the viruses that cause West Nile infection and yellow fever.

An estimated 390 million dengue infections occur worldwide each year, with about 96 million resulting in illness. Most cases occur in tropical areas of the world, with the greatest risk occurring in:

The Indian subcontinent
Southeast Asia
Southern China
The Pacific Islands
The Caribbean (except Cuba and the Cayman Islands)

Central and South America (except Chile, Paraguay, and Argentina)
Most cases in the United States occur in people who contracted the infection while traveling abroad. But the risk is increasing for people living along the Texas-Mexico border and in other parts of the southern United States. In 2009, an outbreak of dengue fever was identified in Key West, Fla.

Dengue fever is transmitted by the bite of an Aedes mosquito infected with a dengue virus. The mosquito becomes infected when it bites a person with dengue virus in their blood. It can’t be spread directly from one person to another person.

The symptoms and signs of dengue fever generally begin after three to fourteen days of infections. Some of the visible symptoms are being below:

High fever
Muscle pain
Joint pain
In severe cases, it may also cause bleeding, low platelets.
Palm and soles get redden
Acute body ache
Skin rashes
Abdominal pain

How dengue fever caused?
The dengue fever is caused or transmitted through Aedes mosquitoes. The main mosquito, which is responsible for its transmission is Aedes aegypti. They may bite anytime of the day but more prominent in the morning and evening. Besides Aedes aegypti, other species transmit the disease are A.albopictus, A.polynesiensis and A.scutellaris.

Dengue fever diagnosis
Initially, it is difficult to differentiate between normal fever and dengue fever. However, physical examination, symptoms like nausea, vomiting, rash, low WBC and positive tourniquet test are helpful in making the positive diagnosis. Diagnosing is also easy with observing symptoms like acute abdominal pain, vomiting, liver enlargement, mucous bleeding, low count of platelets and feeling of letharginess.

How to treat dengue naturally?
The occurrence of dengue creates fear and havoc among the masses. Along with prevention and precautions, its transmission can be minimized to a greater extent by using alternative medicine. Let’s know how nature cure is effective in the treatment of dengue.

The first and foremost thing is to maintain body fluid and platelets.
Oral intake should be given frequently.
Give fresh papaya leave juice as these are helpful in increasing the platelets count.
Giloy regulates your metabolic rate and strengthen the immune system. Boil its stem, strain and drink after making it cool.
Fenugreek leaves are helpful in reducing fever and acts as sedative to induce sleeping.
Turmeric along with milk may be given to ease the symptoms.
The drink of Tulsi leaves and black pepper is also beneficial.
Digestible diet should be preferred.
To reduce the body temperature, one should undergo hydrotherapy.
Homeopathy medicine like Aconitum napellus 30, Bryonia alba 30, and Rhus toxicodendron 30 may be taken after the consultation of Homeopathic physician.
Paracetamol may also be given to ease fever.

Dengue prevention steps
Develop social awareness and social mobilization among the masses regarding breeding, biting and transmission of aedes mosquito vector.
Pooled water is the breeding ground for such mosquitoes, so spray germicides for such conditions.
Water cooler should be cleaned on weekly basis.
Kerosene oil or petrol is effective to control breeding of such mosquito.
Mosquito net and repellant should be used.
Both children and adult should use long-sleeved dresses.
Use screen on doors and windows.
Water may accumulate in discarded items such as tyres, broken pots, vase, etc. So, take care of these things.
After observing the symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.

Dengue precautions means
Avoid fast, spicy and junk foods
Rest should be given top priority.
Water cooler should be washed regularly.
Keep yourself away from dirty water bodies.
Keep your garbage covered.
Take care of old and discarded tyres.
Your flower pots should take care of by replacing its water on daily basis.
Think about hygiene.
Dengue Fever: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment Dengue Fever: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery on 09:55:00 Rating: 5

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