Best Plants That Attract Positive Energy and Good Luck
Best Plants That Attract Positive Energy and Good Luck
Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you Best Plants That Attract Positive Energy and Good Luck.This is the best way Best Plants That Attract Positive Energy and Good Luck. So you can check Best Plants That Attract Positive Energy and Good Luck Below Here. It’s common to use plants for decorating the home or office. They add a very fresh and natural touch to the ambience.
Apart from being good home décor accessories, many plants actually improve the flow of positive energy in the space and give you a sense of well-being every day.
It is not possible to lead a happy and satisfied life if the space around you is negative.
Luckily, you can reduce the negative energy by adding some specific plants to your home or office. This will not only benefit you but also other people around you.
Peace Lily Attract Positive Energy and Good Luck
The peace lily is another beautiful flowering plant that can help you prosper spiritually, mentally and physically. The glossy spiked leaves improve the flow of good energy in your home.
This plant even purifies air by breaking down and neutralizing harmful indoor gases. It can detox the indoor air of toxins like formaldehyde, benzene and carbon monoxide.
Peace lily plants are also super easy to care for. They grow well in shaded or dark environments, hence they make a perfect addition to a basement, a small office and even a corner closet.
You can also place them in a bedroom to provide a sense of tranquility and restful sleep.
Plus, these deep green plants with gorgeous bright white blooms go with any type of interior décor.
Orchid Attract Positive Energy and Good Luck
According to feng shui, the orchid is another potted plant that attracts positive energy. It not only improves the energy of the home, but also the lives of the owners themselves – both spiritually and physically.
Ancient Greeks associated orchids with fertility and virility, making it a great gift for newly married couples.
The long-lasting flowers are beautiful and come in different shapes and sizes to suit different types of interior décor. The sweet and pleasant fragrance of the orchid also uplifts your mood.
Orchids not only absorb carbon dioxide, they also release oxygen at night. So, a bedroom is a good place for your orchid.
Not just beautiful, they are so easy to take care of! The plants need light soil moisture to survive.
Holy Basil Attract Positive Energy and Good Luck
Holy basil, a part of Hindu culture and Ayurvedic medicine, helps clear the air of negative energy and attracts positive vibrations to the environment.
Growing a basil plant in one’s home or garden is believed to have a spiritual healing effect on the environment. This benefits the residents of the premises in many ways.
It is one of the few plants that emit oxygen 20 hours a day and also absorbs harmful gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide from the environment. You must place this plant in a north, east or northeast area of your home or garden.
Holy basil is a powerful antioxidant with antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties that help treat a variety of conditions –from the common cold to bronchitis and from a fever to digestive problems.
The plant’s tender leaves are edible. They can be consumed fresh or used to make tea. The leaves can even be used to purify water. This purified water should be sprinkled throughout your home to boost positive energy.
Sage Attract Positive Energy and Good Luck
This herb contains incredible cleansing qualities and has the ability to help bid adieu to negative vibes.
It can be used to get rid of negative emotions, such as anger and fear, from your life. It also promotes the flow of positive energy in your home and office.
In North America, there is a tradition called smudging, where people burn white sage bundles to get rid of negative energy.
It is believed that when done with the right intent and respect, smudging greatly helps boost positive energy in you and the place around you.
A pot of sage by the window will make your house smell great. You can also use the leaves to improve your health, as they contain antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, hypoglycemic and estrogenic properties.
This plant can add splashes of green color to brighten up a dull spot in your house or office. However, do not place it in areas that are very dry or have low humidity.
Money Plant Attract Positive Energy and Good Luck
Another popular plant that attracts positive energy when placed inside a room is the money plant (Epipremnum aureum). This beautiful plant is also known as golden pothos, hunter’s robe, ivy arum, silver vine and taro vine.
According to feng shui, this plant produces a positive energy flow that attracts good luck and fortune. This is why it is recommended to put this plant inside the house rather than in your garden.
Plus, it helps purify air polluted with synthetic chemicals from furniture and cleaning solutions. It filters the indoor air and increases oxygen inflow.
A perennial, this plant can be grown as either a trailer or a climber. It has heart-shaped leaves, needs little maintenance and is incredibly easy to propagate.
Always try to place a money plant in front of a sharp corner or angle. This position helps reduce anxiety and stress as well as negative thoughts. However, avoid placing it in the northeast corner as well as along the north and east walls of your house.
It is believed that the plant’s shoot should point upward to bring you wealth and prosperity.
Lucky Bamboo Attract Positive Energy and Good Luck
If you wish to bring health, love and luck to your life, lucky bamboo (Dracaena braunii) is one indoor plant that you should have at home. This plant has been used for thousands of years in Asia as a symbol of good fortune and prosperity.
According to feng shui, the vertical shape of this tall, green plant represents the element wood. This element influences our life energy, vitality and physical activity.
The plant’s stalks resemble bamboo, and the leaves are similar in shape.
Lucky bamboo is a very low-maintenance plant. Place it in a corner of a room that has low lighting and away from direct sunlight, preferably the east or southeast corner. Keep it in a glass bowl with about 1 inch of distilled or purified water.
Keep the bamboo stalks to odd numbers as they are considered to be most lucky.
Note: As the bamboo plant belongs to the Dracaena family, it is toxic to dogs and cats.
Rosemary Attract Positive Energy and Good Luck
Rosemary is good for your physical and mental well-being. It also aids in air purification to keep your home and office free of harmful toxins.
Plus, it offers medicinal benefits that have been used since the ancient times to treat several health problems.
It smells so incredible that it can instantly lift your mood, reduce fatigue, fight anxiety, improve your memory and treat insomnia and loss of strength. Rosemary also brings inner peace, thus it surely deserves a place in your home.
Keep rosemary in a sunny spot and do not over water it.
As a bonus, you can use the leaves to make tea whenever you please or especially when you suffer from a headache.
You can even place a few sprigs of dried rosemary in cloth bags and place them in several areas of the home to attract positive energy.
Jasmine Attract Positive Energy and Good Luck
Jasmine, also known as the couple’s plant, attracts positive energy and helps strengthen your relationship and build romance.
The sweet smell of jasmine helps eliminate negative energy from a room and boosts your confidence and optimism.
Additionally, its pleasant smell can help soothe your stressed mind, while providing you with a bit of refreshed energy. It even helps fight issues like mental blockage and sadness.
When growing indoors, place this beautiful plant near a south-facing window. You can enjoy it in the bedroom or any other room where you spend the most time with your partner.
You can even grow it in your garden and place it in the north, east or northeast area of your garden.
Best Plants That Attract Positive Energy and Good Luck
Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery

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