Best Home Remedies for Motion Sickness
Best Home Remedies for Motion Sickness
Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you Best Home Remedies for Motion Sickness.This is the Best Home Remedies for Motion Sickness. So you can check Best Home Remedies for Motion Sickness Below Here. Motion sickness is something that most people experience while travelling. It is a very uneasy feeling that comes up irrespective of the mode of transport people travel in. It is one of the most common problem people experience and is extremely troublesome. It might surprise many people, but this distress is mainly born in the brain. It most cases it is accompanied by vomiting, headache and nausea. The best way to deal with it is through home remedies.
Effective Home Remedies For Motion Sickness
Cayenne Pepper Treatment For Motion Sickness
Boil one cup of water and add few crushed ginger roots along with a pinch of cayenne pepper. Steep it for about 5 minutes and strain the liquid. Sip the tea before beginning any journey to stop motion sickness. If needed, add one teaspoon of honey.
Tomato Juice Remedy
Take one or two fresh tomatoes and squeeze out the juice from it. Add half a teaspoon of black pepper and mix well. Drink it when feeling uneasy or at least half an hour before travelling. Also, add a few drops of lime juice into the mix to improve taste.
Chamomile Tea To Relieve Motion Sickness
Take one teaspoon of chamomile tea and add to one cup of boiling water. Allow steeping time of 5 minutes. Strain the water and sip slowly. This helps provide good and long lasting relief from motion sickness. For best result, try this once or twice a day.
Using Ice Chips To Stop Motion Sickness
Ice chips work really well when trying to get rid of motion sickness. Just take some ice chips and such on it. It provides instant relief. Also, drinking cold water with some ice helps relax the nerves. Ice chips neutralize acidity and gives instant relief from motion sickness.
Licorice Extract For Motion Sickness
Boil about two glasses of water and add one tablespoon of dried licorice root into it. Switch off the flame and allow some steeping time, for about 10 minutes. Strain the water and drink it. Chewing licorice root also helps provide good relief from motion sickness.
Mugwort For Fighting Motion Sickness
To control motion sickness the best remedy is drinking mugwort tea. Take few mugwort leaves and allow it to steep in two cups of boiling water for 10 minutes. For best results, consume this several times a day while travelling. Also, using mugwort oil helps stop motion sickness. Just put a few drops of the oil on the tongue.
Green Apples To Control Motion Sickness
Take two green apples and extract the juice. Add one teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon honey. Mix these well and drink it slowly. Also, when feeling uneasy drinking the apple juice provides good relief.
Cure For Motion Sickness With Lemons
Take one or two lemons and squeeze out the juice. Mix it to one cup of lukewarm water and add one teaspoon of honey. Take this slowly while travelling. Another option, take half a lemon and suck it for instant relief. Alternatively, mix lemon juice to rice water and drink it.
Treatment With Black Horehound
Black Horehound is also an effective remedy against motion sickness as it calms the nerves. Take one tablespoon of chamomile, one tablespoon of black horehound and one teaspoon of grated ginger. Mix these into two cups of boiling water. Strain the tea and drink it. For better results, drink this half an hour before the journey.
Apple Cider Vinegar Cure For Motion Sickness
Take one cup of boiling water and add one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Mix it and drink it. Drink it at least 30 minute before journey to prevent motion sickness. Another option, take one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and dilute it with half a cup of water. Use it to rinse the mouth.
Fighting Motion Sickness With Peppermint
Take a few fresh peppermint leaves and chew it for instant relief. Another option, take a few drops of peppermint oil and put it directly on the tongue to reduce the motion sickness feeling. An alternative, take a few peppermint leaves and add to boiling water. Strain the liquid and drink it to prevent motion sickness during travel.
Remedy With Ginger
Ginger is one of the best home remedies that cure motion sickness. Take few ginger slices or at least 2 to 3 slices and add to boiling water. Allow the water to steep for a few minutes and strain the water. Drink the ginger tea several times a day for easy relief against motion sickness. Also, add one teaspoon of honey to improve taste.
Best Home Remedies for Motion Sickness
Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery

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