Best Home Remedies For Pregnancy Test

Best Home Remedies For Pregnancy Test

The moment you realize you are going to become a mother is a milestone in your life, and in every woman’s life out there. Getting pregnant is considered as a direct blessing from God who is said to elevate you to his position for a period of 10 months where you create a life, protect it, nourish it, care for it and then finally bring it out into the world amidst tears of joy!

Every woman would want to find out about her pregnancy herself rather than getting it checked out by a doctor first. Although there are home pregnancy kits that can serve the purpose, certain other home remedies can also act as pregnancy indicators. So if you are one of those ladies who wish to confirm your pregnancy at home itself, here are some excellent remedies that can help you out.


A common cleansing agent, Pine Sol is easily available in provision stores and markets. It can also act as a good indicator of pregnancy.

Collect your first urine sample in the morning and transfer it into a soap free test tube or container. Add some Pine Sol solution to the urine and wait for about 10 minutes. If the resultant solution changes color, it could indicate a possible pregnancy.

You don’t need to expect a specific color change. All that needs to be noted is a change from the base color. If the solution remains clear or does not change any color after 10 minutes though, you may not be pregnant.

Even though these homemade tests would help you confirm a pregnancy, they may provide incorrect results at times. So always make it a point to follow up with a home pregnancy kit which you can get at a local drugstore for more accurate results.

It may smell horrible. But it can effectively point out whether you are pregnant or not!

Get ¼ cup of tuna juice and the same amount of vinegar. Combine the two liquids and leave the resultant solution in room temperature overnight. Collect your urine the first thing in the morning and add the Vinegar and Tuna juice solution to it.

If the resultant solution turns bright green in color, the chances of you being pregnant are pretty high. If the solution turns orange or yellow in color instead, it may indicate that you are not pregnant.

Another test that would give you visible proof of your pregnancy, the ‘Peroxide and Tylenol Test’ involves collecting your urine in a bowl first thing in the morning and then adding these substances to it. If the resultant solution turns blue in color, your pregnancy in confirmed. No change of color will signify otherwise.

Dandelion leaves usually react to the changed hormone levels in the urine (in case you are pregnant). Grab a few fresh dandelion leaves and spread them on a sheet of paper. Make sure you keep them away from the sunlight as this could interfere with the results.

Urinate over the leaves the first thing in the morning. Alternatively, you can collect your urine in a bowl and soak the dandelion leaves in it. If you are pregnant, the leaves would start changing color and develop reddish blisters in less than 10 minutes. So if you see this happening, you can be rest assured that you are pregnant.

If you can’t seem to get hold of some bleaching powder to confirm your pregnancy, try opting for a simple soap solution. Although not as effective as bleaching powder in predicting a pregnancy, a concentrated soap solution can act as a suitable alternative in order to at least indicate the possibility of you being pregnant or not.

You can use any soap for this test. Collect your urine (preferably the first sample in the morning) in a small bottle or test tube. Mix the lather of a soap solution with the urine and see if it bubbles up. If it does, you may be pregnant. The reason we say that you ‘may’ be pregnant is because not many people claim to have got correct results using soap solutions. Nevertheless, it’s worth a try right?

One of the best home remedies to confirm a pregnancy involves the use of bleach. The test is really simple. Collect the first urine of the day and add some bleaching powder to it. If the urine starts fizzing and foaming, the chances of you being pregnant are pretty high. Of course, you know what the result is if nothing happens when you add the bleach to the urine. Tough luck!

What better way to check if you are pregnant than turning on your body heat to full blast and seeing if your periods start? Mustard powder is an excellent remedy for delayed or skipped periods and can effectively indicate whether you are pregnant or are just experiencing an irregularity in your otherwise normal menstrual cycle.

All you need to do is to fill a bathtub with hot water and mix two cups of fresh mustard powder in it. Soak in the bath for a good 20 minutes and shower in warm water afterwards. If your periods were delayed due to other reasons, you would get them in a day or two. A week or two after this remedy with no periods can indicate a positive pregnancy.

Another way to find out if you are pregnant or not would be to add a few drops of your urine (the first sample in the morning) to white toothpaste.
If after some time, the toothpaste becomes frothy or changes blue in color, chances are you may be pregnant. If there is no  change, well, better luck next time!

Some women swear by this home remedy to confirm if you are pregnant or not. Collect your urine in a bottle or vessel and leave it untouched for about 3-4 hours. If by this time, a white film forms on the surface of the urine, chances are you may be pregnant. If the urine remains clear after this period, you can know that you are not pregnant.
Best Home Remedies For Pregnancy Test Best Home Remedies For Pregnancy Test Reviewed by Rakesh on 18:13:00 Rating: 5

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