Effective Home Remedies For Molar Pain

Effective Home Remedies For Molar Pain

Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you Effective Home Remedies For Molar Pain.This is the best Effective Home Remedies For Molar Pain. So you can check Effective Home Remedies For Molar Pain Below Here. Molars are also teeth but some special teeth of a mammals. They are very useful as they are used to grind food in the time of chewing. Adult humans have twelve molars and these molars vary in size. The last two molars which is also is called as wisdom teeth comes at the age of 16-20 and may create lots of pain. Apart from that as molar teeth do a great important work that is chewing and grinding of food material all the time we take food, they are prone to different teeth problem and indication of almost all problems is teeth pain.

This tooth pain may vary from mild to intense. Level of seriousness behind this pain may also vary. Causes of this molar pain may be different – cavities, infection, cracked teeth, gum disease, appearance of wisdom teeth and many more things. Whatever may be the cause is this tooth pain should be treated at early sage and with great care because in most of the case tooth ache becomes unbearable as intense throbbing pain appear on around jaw area and it sometimes spread behind your ears. When you have molar pain it is best to take advice of the dentist but before going to doctor you may practice some home remedies to keep pain under control.


Garlic has antibacterial property. Crush some garlic and apply it on your teeth. It helps a lot to cure infection and reduce pain.Follow these home remedies sincerely. But do not waste your time to visit a dentist if the molar pain enhances. 

Take a glass of warm water. Add pinch of salt in it. rinse your mouth with this water. It helps a lot to reduce molar pain. If molar pain causes because of appearance of wisdom teeth then ice works well to reduce the pain. take some ice cubes and put them in a cotton handkerchief. Press that on your cheek. It will help to reduce pain.

Eucalyptus oil is another excellent product to treat molar pain effectively. Soak a cotton ball in eucalyptus oil press in on affected molar teeth. Eucalyptus oil also helps to kill germs and treat tooth infection effectively.

Clove is a superb product to reduce molar pain. Grind some clove and apply that on your affected teeth. At first it may create a burning sensation but gradually it will provide relief. Clove has antifungal and antibacterial property which helps to reduce pain and infection of the tooth. Clove oil also works well in molar pain. Take a cup of warm water. Add a few drops of clove oil in it. Wash your mouth with this water again and again especially after taking any food. It will help to reduce molar pain.

Mint is an excellent home remedy for molar pain. Mint is one of the common home ingredients of your kitchen. Take some fresh mint, crush them and apply them on your pain. Leave it there for sometimes. Mint has antifungal, antibacterial and antiseptic properties which kills the germ or bacteria that create pain and infection in the teeth. The cooling effect of mint juice also anesthetizes the place for sometimes and gives you some relief for a short period.
Drinking hot peppermint tea again and again also helps to reduce molar pain. You can do another thing that is applying a thick layer of toothpaste on your molar tooth which is paining. As most of the toothpaste contains a great amount of peppermint in it, it really works. But, the application of toothpaste, mint paste or drinking mint tea only works in molar infection. If there is cavity you have to go to a dentist.
Effective Home Remedies For Molar Pain Effective Home Remedies For Molar Pain Reviewed by Rakesh on 17:53:00 Rating: 5

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