Excellent And Effective Home Remedies For reduce pain

Excellent And Effective Home Remedies For Reduce Pain

Papaya Juice
Nutritional deficiencies and alcohol consumption can sometimes cause liver cirrhosis that can in turn cause extreme liver pain. Drinking a glass of papaya juice every day can help curb the condition and alleviate the pain that it causes to a great extent. Rather than opting for store bought products, make your own papaya juice at home.Grind the seeds of the papaya fruit and extract the juice. Mix a tablespoon of this juice with a few drops of lime juice and a glass of water. Drink the resultant juice at least once a day for a month or so until the pain disappears completely.

Eating Bland Foods
It is considered wise to stick to bland foods when you have liver pain. Eating fried, salty, sugary, spicy and sour foods during this period can aggravate the underlying condition that causes liver pain. So stay away from these foods and stick to bland, boiled foods for at least a week until the pain reduces considerably.Make it a point to add some olive oil to the foods that you cook as this would soothe the liver and ease the burning sensation caused by certain liver conditions. 

Fruits are a great way to detoxify the liver. Fruits that are high in fiber content such as blackberry, strawberry can help the liver in separating the toxins. Fruits like apple, pear etc. are low in calorie and will not result in deposit of fat in the liver. Lemon, orange and grapefruit help to lower the sodium level in liver which may be responsible for some debilitating disease of the liver such as cirrhosis or fatty liver. You can take them in juice form or just munch on them. Either way it is going to be a great treat for your liver.

Yogurt is a probiotic that contains many beneficial live bacteria. Moreover, it contains bifidus, an excellent nutrient which can also help the liver to get rid of harmful bacteria that may have sustained on the toxic metabolic byproducts.It can also prevent the formation of tumors. So to unburden your liver and make it function properly you should take a lot of yogurt daily.

Milk Thistle
This herb is effective for a wide variety of liver diseases. There are evidences suggesting that this remedy is beneficial for viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis, the toxicity caused by chemicals, mushrooms etc.

Take 900 milligrams of this remedy twice a day at mealtimes.

Apple Cider Vinegar
This remedy helps to detoxify the liver. If taken before meals, it will help in metabolizing fat easily

Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water
Add one teaspoon of honey to this mix
Drink this mixture three times a day to cleanse the liver.

Dandelion Root Tea
This remedy helps to promote healthy liver function Make tea using the dandelion root powder available in a food store Take this remedy at least twice daily to get benefited by it. You can also boil a small amount of roots in a glass of water and drink this.

Amla or Gooseberry
The Indian gooseberry or amla  is known as one of the richest sources of vitamin C. What is less well-known is its ability to keep the liver functioning at optimal levels. This herb has been used extensively in Ayurveda for the treatment of sluggish liver; now researchers are finding in laboratory studies that extracts from amla have liver-protective function. However, there is no clear indication of whether it is useful to treat  hepatitis B infection. Amla is one of the important components in Chyawanpraash that has immunity boosting, digestive and liver-protective action.
Tip: Although, the best way to consume it is raw, you can add small pieces of it in your salad or making a raitha with grated amla and curd.

Jethimad or Licorice
Licorice has long been used in Ayurvedic remedies to cure liver ailments like  non- alcoholic fatty liver disease. In this condition, the blood level of transaminase enzymes called ALT and AST increase to harmful levels for the liver. Research suggests that licorice (Jethimad or Mulhati in Hindi) extracts reduce the concentration of these enzymes, indicating its beneficial effect on the liver. Here are
Tip: Powder Licorice roots at home. Add the powder to boiling water while making tea. Steep it for a few minutes and then strain the liquid.

Amrith or Guduchi
Amrith is yet another herb that Ayurveda considers to have rejuvenating properties and is commonly grown in many kitchen gardens. It is said to have the ability to clear toxins from the liver as well as strengthen its functioning. More importantly, Amrith does not cause any significant complications even when used for long-term. However, Ayurvedic physicians warn that using this herb can precipitate liver crisis if the patient has a large amount of toxins in the liver. Therefore, it is best to use this herb only under an Ayurvedic practitioner’s guidance.

Just a small amount of this pungent white bulb has the ability to activate liver enzymes that help your body flush out toxins. Garlic also holds high amounts of allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that aid in liver cleansing.

High in both vitamin C and antioxidants, grapefruit increases the natural cleansing processes of the liver. A small glass of freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice will help boost production of the liver detoxification enzymes that help flush out carcinogens and other toxins.

Green Tea
This liver-loving beverage is full of plant antioxidants known as catechins, a compound known to assist liver function. Green tea is not only delicious, it’s also a great way to improve your overall diet. Learn more about the benefits of green tea.

Excellent And Effective Home Remedies For reduce pain Excellent And Effective Home Remedies For reduce pain Reviewed by Rakesh on 07:15:00 Rating: 5

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