Super Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

Super Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

Digestive Aid
Cayenne is a well-known digestive aid. It stimulates the digestive tract, increasing the flow of enzyme production and gastric juices. This aids the body’s ability to metabolize food (and toxins). Cayenne pepper is also helpful for relieving intestinal gas. It stimulates intestinal peristaltic motion, aiding in both assimilation and elimination.

Anti-Redness Properties
Cayenne’s properties makes it a great herb for many chronic and degenerative conditions.

Helps Produce Saliva
Cayenne stimulates the production of saliva, an important key to excellent digestion and maintaining optimal oral health

Anti-Irritant Properties
Cayenne has the ability to ease upset stomach, ulcers, sore throats, spasmodic and irritating coughs, and diarrhea.

Anti-Cold and Flu Agent
Cayenne pepper aids in breaking up and moving congested mucus. Once mucus begins to leave the body, relief from flu symptoms generally follows.

Anti-Fungal Properties
The results of one study indicated that cayenne pepper could effectively prevent the formation of the fungal pathogens phomopsis and collectotrichum

Speed Up Metabolism
Cayenne pepper can speed up your metabolism. Therefore you can include cayenne pepper in your meals as it also helps to lose weight

Helps Your Heart
Cayenne pepper works wonders for your heart too and stops heart attacks within seconds. This characteristic of cayenne pepper is possible as the cayenne pepper opens the arteries in heart.

Helps In Hair Growth
Cayenne pepper helps in hair growth. One of the main reasons for baldness is due to reduction in the circulation of blood. Cayenne pepper when applied on the scalp increases the circulation of blood by causing irritation in the scalp (hence this irritation is for a good cause)

Relieve achy joints and muscles
Capsaicin, the substance that gives cayenne its spicy taste, is the active ingredient in many over-the-counter treatments for arthritis and muscle pain. Over time, it short-circuits pain by depleting nerve cells of a chemical called substance P, which helps transfer pain signals along nerve endings to the brain. Mix a few dashes of ground cayenne with 2-3 teaspoons of olive oil. Apply it with gauze to unbroken skin at painful joints several times a day. The first few doses will cause a mild burning sensation, but you’ll become desensitized after a week or so. Keep away from the mouth, eyes, and other mucous membranes.

Boost your calorie burning potential
In a six-week study of 25 non-overweight adults, two Purdue researchers found cayenne helped increase study participants’ body temperatures and the amount of calories they burned. Just a half of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper along with a meal can help suppress appetite and burn calories. Interestingly, study subjects who reported they did not prefer or regularly use the spice before the test got the biggest benefits: reduced appetites and a decreased craving for salty, fatty, or sweet foods. 

Reduce blood sugar levels
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people with diabetes who ate a meal containing liberal amounts of chile pepper required less insulin to reduce their blood sugar afterward, which suggests the spice could have anti-diabetes benefits.  

Lowers inflammation 
Cayenne pepper inhibits "substance P," which is associated with inflammation, both the type that cannot be felt (such as the kind of inflammation that causes heart disease) and the kind that can be felt (such as the kind that causes arthritis).

Cayenne pepper may help prevent cancer
The substance that creates the heat in cayenne pepper is called capsaicin, which is believed might be able to slow the growth of some types of cancerous tumours. In a study conducted at Loma Linda University in California, researchers found a possible link between the eating of cayenne pepper and the slowing in the growth of tumours in lung cancer patients.

Super Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper Super Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery on 18:48:00 Rating: 5

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