Best Benefits You Can Get From Papaya
Best Benefits You Can Get From Papaya
Protects Against Heart Disease
Regular consumption of papayas can prevent atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. Papayas are an excellent source of vitamins A, C and E, all very powerful antioxidants.
These three nutrients help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, which is one of the main causes of heart attacks and strokes. Papayas are also a good source of fiber, which can be very helpful in lowering high cholesterol levels.
Improves Digestion
The high amount of the digestive enzyme called papain present in papayas helps break down tough protein fibers and aids the natural digestion process.
The fruit’s high water and soluble fiber content also make the digestion process easier. This in turn promotes proper functioning of bowel movements and helps prevent constipation. In addition, the high amount of folate, beta-carotene, and vitamins C and E in papayas can help reduce the risk of colon cancer.
Moreover, papaya seeds help you get rid of intestinal worms and parasites because they are rich in proteolytic enzymes and an anthelmintic alkaloid called carpaine.
Lowers cholesterol
Papayas are rich in fibre, vitamin C and antioxidants that prevent cholesterol build up in your arteries. Too much cholesterol build-up can block the arteries completely, causing a heart attack. Papaya extracts have also found to reduce lipid and triglycerides in diabetic rats [1].
Helps weight loss
One medium sized papaya contains just 120 calories. So, if you’re planning to lose weight, don’t forget to add this light fruit to your diet. Besides, it also packed with a considerable amount of dietary fibre that aids weight loss by promoting a feeling of fullness and controlling cravings
Boosts your immunity
our immunity system acts as a shield against various infections that can make you really sick. A single papaya contains more than 200% of your daily requirement of Vitamin C, making it great for your immunity
Glowing skin
Papaya’s nutrition facts are beneficial against acne, pimples and other skin infections. It opens your pores of the skin. Papayas are mostly used in face packs.
Fresh papayas possess dead cell dissolving ability that gives you a perfectly glowing skin.
It is protective against skin infections and wounds too. Isn’t it great! This nutritional benefit of papaya is used by all beauty product companies
Cancer Prevention
Papaya is rich in anti-oxidants which help the body to fight against cancer causing cells. Papaya’s dietary fibre binds the cancer causing cells in the colon and flush out carcinogenic cells from it. The presence of antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, lycopene, beta-cryptoxanthin and beat-carotene prevents cancer and especially, facilitates healthy colon. Papaya is also acts like as a cleanser. When its juice is taken with bean; works as natural and herbal cleanser. Papaya contains anti-inflammatory enzymes which are beneficial in case of arthritis, edema and osteoporosis. The proteolytic enzyme in papaya is having anticancer benefits and helps to digest the fibrin protein layer of cancer cells.
Dandruff treatment
Papaya is good for hair. Shampoos which contain the ingredients of papaya are useful in preventing of dandruff. In making of papaya hair mask, one should require 100 gram of peeled papaya, 100 gram of banana, 100 gram of curd, 1 tsp of molasses and 1tsp of coconut oil. Grind all these components and apply on hair. Covered your head to maintain heat and left for 40-50 minutes and wash your hair. This combination is good for softening of hair.
Good For Eyes
The eating of papaya is good for eye. Papaya contains beta-carotene, carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin. These phyto-nutrients are good for eyes and eye muscles. It is also reported that taking of lutein and zeaxanthin reduces the risk of age-related muscular degeneration. Both lutein and zeaxanthin also prevents from different eye diseases such as glaucoma and cataract.
Best Benefits You Can Get From Papaya
Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery

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