Amazing Health Benefits Of Sauna Bathing
Amazing Health Benefits Of Sauna Bathing
Hair Look Great
We spend a lot of time and money on different hair care products to keep our hair looking natural. The truth is, we don’t need to. Our body has many specialized organs that condition our hair better than the synthetic products on the marketplace. The trick is getting them out.
A few minutes in the sauna will activate the sebaceous glands on your scalp, releasing a set of compounds that moisturize and condition your hair. If you wash the dirt away and spend some time in a sauna, a quick rinse is all it takes to reap these benefits. Our sauna and hair care post has more information.
Healthy Weight
There is a myth that you can burn up to 600 calories an hour while sitting in a sauna. That is not true, however it comes from a medical study that proved sauna users are more likely to stay on a diet and reach a healthy weight. Overweight people who used the sauna regularly lost much more weight than a control group who didn’t use the sauna. That same study found underweight people who used a sauna were more likely to gain weight than people who didn’t.
Read our post “Weight Loss in the Sauna” for more information about how saunas benefit those trying to lose weight.
Get Rid Your Acne
Acne, pimples, blemishes, blackheads, spots – the bane of our teenage years – can be caused by your pores getting blocked by buildup of oils from your skin or dead skin cells. The heat of the sauna and your sweat can help your skin mobilize these contaminants leaving you with clean, clear skin.
For details and a procedure for using the sauna to eliminate acne, read our post Sauna your skin clear
One of the ways the body flushes out toxins is by expelling sweat. In the span of just one day, some humans may come into contact with more than 10 different types of chemicals. Using most soaps, driving to work, eating processed foods, and using cleaning products are just a few examples of actions that bring about chemical exposure. The body converts these toxins into substances that are water soluble, which pass through the skin's pores in sweat. If a person sits in a sauna long enough to sweat, this is a good way to get rid of harmful toxins
Improving Circulation
When heat comes into contact with muscle fibers, it increases blood flow to the muscles. Better circulation of the blood means more oxygen will reach the tissues. The body also uses oxygen to help push toxins out of deeper areas of the muscles. Optimal circulation is important for good cardiovascular health. In addition to these benefits, increased circulation also helps the body create more energy. A person with more energy and less muscular toxins will feel refreshed after stepping out of a sauna.
Deeper sleep
Research has shown that a deeper, more relaxed sleep can result from sauna use. In addition to the release of endorphins (see above), body temperatures, which become elevated in the late evening,fall at bedtime. This slow, relaxing decline in endorphins is key in facilitating sleep. Numerous sauna bathers worldwide recall the deep sleep experiences that they feel after bathing the the calming heat of a sauna.
Help To Fight illness
German sauna medical research shows that saunas were able to significantly reduce the incidences of colds and influenza amongst participants. As the body is exposed to the heat of a sauna and steam (in the case of traditional saunas), it produces white blood cells more rapidly, which in turn helps to fight illnesses and helps to kill viruses.In addition, saunas can relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of sinus congestion from from colds or allergies - especially when used with steam (tip: add eucalyptus to the water for added benefit and overall enjoyment). The steam vapor action helps to clear up unwanted congestion and is a wonderful aspect of the Finnish sauna experience.
Flush Toxins
One of the ways the human body removes toxins from the body is through sweat. Profound sweating is a highly effective way to remove toxins the body might have absorbed in several ways. And, sauna does just that. In the intense heat sessions in sauna, a lot of sweating can be experienced, which helps flushing toxins from the body in a great way.
Immune System Stronger
Another one of the major benefits of sauna is that it helps to create a stronger immune system. Sauna sessions help produce white blood cells. The white blood cells of the body are its medium to fight against attacking infections and ailments. As the regular users of sauna have higher count of white blood cells, they stay healthier and if illnesses occur, they heal faster
The main reason any of us even try a steam room or sauna in the first place is to chill out. After a hard workout or a long day you need to just relax, which is exactly what you will do. The combination of heat plus being disconnected from the rest of the world for even just a few minutes can transform your attitude and make you feel more mellow.
Decompress after a Hard Workout
An intense exercise session can leave your muscles tired, sore and stiff. Using the heat from a sauna (dry heat) or a steam room (wet heat) can loosen muscles and help muscle fibers recover faster.
Amazing Health Benefits Of Sauna Bathing
Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery

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