Yeast Infection-Home Remedies
Yeast Infection-Home Remedies
Many yogurts contain the same type of probiotics that keeps the vagina healthy, yet studies have not been able to prove effectively that eating a daily cup offers any benefit. But in a recent Italian study, women with chronic yeast infections who placed a probiotic tablet directly in the vagina (once a night for 7 nights, then every 3 nights for 3 weeks, and then once a week) saw their rates of infection drop by 87%. Laurie Cullen, ND, a naturopathic physician and a professor at Bastyr University, suggests treating an infection with a conventional therapy first, and then trying a Lactobacillus pill (such as Jarrow Fem-Dophilus, which can be found at drug and health-food stores) to maintain a healthy vaginal environment.
Tea Tree Oil
The essential oil derived from tea tree leaves has been shown in several lab and animal studies to act as an antifungal against yeast. While more studies need to be done to prove the oil's efficacy, some women report that they get relief from inserting a tampon doused in tea tree oil at night. Try this with caution, Cullen advises: "The vagina is very sensitive, so I would hesitate to put something that might be irritating in an already irritated environment." If you find this home remedy uncomfortable, discontinue it immediately.
Lactobacillus acidophilus, a “friendly” strain of bacteria present in yogurt, can control the growth of infection in the body. For treating a yeast infection, only use plain, unsweetened yogurt.
You can externally apply plain yogurt on the affected skin area and let it sit for at least 20 to 30 minutes, or preferebly overnight. This will help relieve the itching sensation.
For a vaginal yeast infection, dip a tampon in yogurt and then insert it in the vagina for two hours. Do this twice a day.
Also include yogurt in your diet plan.
Garlic is a very well-known herb that can be used to cure various ailments. The antifungal, antibacterial and natural antibiotic components present in garlic can be highly effective in treating any kind of yeast infection.
Crush a few garlic cloves and make a paste out of it. Apply the garlic paste directly onto the affected skin area. If you do not have fresh garlic, you can dilute garlic oil with vitamin E oil and a few drops of coconut oil and apply it to the affected skin.
You can also take a couple of garlic tablets or eat a few fresh garlic cloves daily. Eating fresh cloves can cause bad breath, but it is very effective in treating yeast infections.
Apple Cider Vinegar Douche
Soothe a yeast infection by douching with apple cider vinegar. Mix 3 tablespoons of raw organic apple cider vinegar with 1 quart of water, add to douche apparatus and use. I recommend Braggs ACV, but any raw apple cider vinegar with “the mother” still included should work. For added benefit you can add some colloidal silver to the mix. I recommend adding 2 ounces of Silver Fuzion to each batch.
Oregano Oil
Oregano oil is another effective remedy for yeast infections. It will help reduce yeast and candida infections. Place 9 drops in a capsule and swallow 2-3 times daily after meals on a full stomach.
Cranberries are not just for bladder infections, they can also be used to help with yeast infections. You can also drink the juice, unsweetened, to help boost healthy pH balance in the vagina. This helps fight off fungal infection.
Yeast Infection-Home Remedies
Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery

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