Natural Home Remedies For Anxiety
Natural Home Remedies For Anxiety
Chamomile helps calm you down and relieves anxiety. According to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, chamomile (Matricaria retutica) may help reduce anxiety symptoms in those suffering from mild to moderate Generalized Anxiety Disorder. It also promotes relaxation and drowsiness due to its mild sedative affect.
Steep two to three teaspoons of dried chamomile, preferably German chamomile, in a cup of hot water for three to five minutes. Strain it and, if you wish, add honey and cinnamon to it. Drink this tea a few times a day for about one month or until you see improvement.
Alternatively, take this herb in supplement form. Consult your doctor for proper dosage. Adults can generally take 400 to 1600 mg capsules in divided doses daily, or one to four ml of liquid extract three times a day.
The uplifting smell of oranges and orange peels helps calm the nerves. Moreover, citrus fragrances are believed to help fight depression and boost immunity.
Simply peeling an orange and inhaling its aroma can help uplift your mood. For better results, put a few orange peels in a pan of water and allow it to simmer. Inhale the refreshing smell to do away with your anxiety. Repeat as needed.
You can also drink one cup of fresh orange juice mixed with one teaspoon of honey and a pinch of nutmeg powder. Drink it daily for a few days or weeks.
Sesame Oil
Extreme anxiety can lead to muscle tension which is undoubtedly very deterring. A whole body massage with warm sesame oil is just what you might be looking for as it helps to relax tensed muscles. Warm six ounces of sesame oil and rub it all over the body taking care to include the scalp and the bottom of the feet too. The best time to use this massage is before the morning bath and at night just before bed time. The soothing effects of sesame oil prepare you for an entire day’s activities and also helps in getting good night’s sleep.
Lemon balm
Lemon balm frequently used in the Mediterranean is an herb that can be used for the treatment of anxiety. From as early as 300 B.C. the medicinal properties of lemon balm have been extensively utilized for curing issues arising due to anxiety and depression. The middle Ages have seen lemon balm being employed to de-stress the mind and get relief from anxiety and sleep disorders. Recent studies have proved that 600 mgs of lemon balm on a regular basis helps in the upliftment of mood and the soothing effect of this herb enhances the functioning of the brain. The best way to consume it is in the form of tea. A certain calm and tranquility descends upon you the moment you drink lemon balm tea.
Green tea
They say Japanese Buddhist monks could meditate for hours, both alert and relaxed. One reason may have been an amino acid in their green tea called L-theanine, says Mark Blumenthal, of the American Botanical Council.
Research shows that L-theanine helps curb a rising heart rate and blood pressure, and a few small human studies have found that it reduces anxiety. In one study, anxiety-prone subjects were calmer and more focused during a test if they took 200 milligrams of L-theanine beforehand.
You can get that much L-theanine from green tea, but you'll have to drink many cups—as few as five, as many as 20.
Yes, it's in beer, but you won't get the tranquilizing benefits of the bitter herb hops (Humulus lupulus) from a brew. The sedative compound in hops is a volatile oil, so you get it in extracts and tinctures—and as aromatherapy in hops pillows.
"It's very bitter, so you don't see it in tea much, unless combined with chamomile or mint," says Blumenthal. Hops is often used as a sedative, to promote sleep, often with another herb, valerian. Note: Don't take sedative herbs if you are taking a prescription tranquilizer or sedative, and let your doctor know any supplements you are taking.
Being rich in vitamin B12 and zinc, almonds can be useful in preventing anxiety. Take 10 almonds and soak them in water overnight. Next morning, remove their skin. Now, take 1 cup of warm milk, a pinch of ginger, a pinch of nutmeg and almonds in a mixing jar and prepare fine juice. Drink this juice continuously for a couple of days at night before you sleep.
Natural Home Remedies For Anxiety
Reviewed by The Creative Jewellery

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